What's Cookin'
Cindy Truelove (AUS)
Good Brown Gravy - Joe Diffie
ALMOST STATIONERY STRUTS1Touch right toes (heel off floor) very slightly forward2Step right heel on floor, snap left fingers3Touch left toes ( heel off floor) very slightly forward4Step left heel on floor, snap left fingers5Raise right slightly off floor (only about 1 inch and touch right toes in original position (heel off floor)6Step right heel on floor, snap left fingers7Touch left toes (heel off floor) very slightly back)8Step left heel on floor, snap left fingers9-16Repeat the first eight steps except on the first count. You will not step forward, but rather touch right in the same positionRIGHT VINE & SCUFF, LEFT VINE & SCUFF, RIGHT VINE & SCUFF, LEFT VINE & ¼ TURN LEFT AND STOMP RIGHT UP17-19Step right to right side, cross/step left behind right, step right to right side20Scuff left next to right 21-23Step left to left side, cross/step right behind left, step left to left side24Scuff right next to left 25-27Step right to right side, cross/step left behind right, step right to right side28Scuff left next to right29-30Step left to left side, cross/step right behind left 31Step left to left side placing foot in position to start ¼ turn32Turn ¼ turn left and stomp right (up - no weights)BACK SCOOTS AND BACK TOE STRUTS33Take a small step back on right34Scoot back on right raising left knee35Take a small step back on left36Scoot back on left raising right knee37Take a small step back on right toes (heels off floor)38Step right heel on floor39Take a small step back on left toes (heels off floor)40Step left heel on floor (end weight on left)MONTEREY TURNS41Point right toe to side42Pivot on ball of left, turn ½ to right and step right next to left (end weight on right)43Point left toe to side44Step left next to right45-48Repeat steps #41 through #44VINE RIGHT & SCUFF, VINE LEFT & PAUSE, RIGHT TOUCHES WITH PAUSE49-51Step right to right side, step/cross left behind right, step right to right side52Scuff left next to right53-54Step left to left side, cross/step right behind left 55-56Step left to left side, leave right where it was and hold one beat57-58Touch right next to left, then hold one beat59-60Touch right to side, then hold one beat61-62Touch right next to left, then hold one beatSIDE STEPS AND SNAP FINGERS63Step right to right side64Hold feet in position one beat and snap fingers of right hand65Touch left next to right66Hold feet in position one beat and snap fingers of right hand67Step left to left side68Hold feet in position one beat and snap fingers of right hand69Touch right next to left70Hold feet in position one beat and snap fingers of right handTOE STRUTS AND PIVOT TURNS71Make a sharp ¼ turn left by pivoting on ball of both feet72Step left heel down73Touch toes of right forward (heel off floor)74Step right heel down75Step forward on ball of left 76Pivot on balls of both feet a ½ turn right (end with weight on right)77Touch toes of left forward (heel off floor)78Step left heel down79Touch toes of right forward80Step right heel down81Touch toes of left forward82Step left heel down83Step forward on ball of right 84Pivot on balls of both feet ½ turn left (end with weight on left)85Stomp (up with no weight) right next to left86Clap handsREPEAT