The Way That You Are
Charles Richman (UK)
You Are - Emma Bunton
BOX STEP FORWARD, BOX STEP BACK (BOSSA NOVA BASIC)1-4Step left foot forward, hold, step right foot to the side, close left foot next to right foot5-8Step right foot back, hold, step left foot to the side, close right foot next to left footWEAVE TO LEFT, SIDE ROCK CROSS, HOLD9-12Step left foot to side, cross step right foot behind left foot, step left foot to side, cross step right foot over left foot13-16Rock left foot to the side, recover weight to right foot in place, cross step left foot over right foot holdWHISK TO RIGHT, WHISK TO LEFT (CROSS BASIC)17-20Step right foot to the side, hold, cross step left foot behind right foot (ball of foot), replace weight on to right foot21-24Step left foot to the side, hold, cross step right foot behind left foot (ball of foot), replace weight on to left footCONTINUOUS VINE TO RIGHT MAKING ¾ TURN RIGHT, WALK WALK, HOLD25-28Step right foot to the side, cross step left foot behind right foot, make ¼ turn right and step right foot forward, step left foot forward29-32Pivot ½ turn right transferring weight to right foot, walk forward stepping left, right, holdREPEATTAG At the end of walls 4 & 8 (you will be facing the front wall both times)1-4Step left foot to the side, close right foot next to left foot, cross step left foot over right foot, hold5-8Rock back on to right foot, recover weight forward on to left foot, rock back on to right foot, recover weight forward on to left foot RIGHT SCISSOR STEP, HIP ROCKS9-12Step right foot to side, close left foot next to right foot, cross step right foot over left foot, hold13-16Rock back on to left foot, recover weight forward on to right foot, rock back on to left foot, recover weight forward on to right footTAG At end wall 9 (you will be facing 9:00) HIP ROCKS1-4Rock forward on to left foot, rock back on to right foot, rock forward on to left foot, rock back on to right foot