The Walking Shoes
Mariann Pedersen & Preben Pedersen
The Hard Way - The Dean Brothers
HEEL SPLIT TWICE, POINT OUT, CROSS, ½ TURN, CLAP1-2Split heel, together3-4Repeat 1-25-6Touch right toe to right side, cross right foot over left7-8½ turn left, clapHEEL SPLIT TWICE, POINT OUT, CROSS, ½ TURN, CLAP9-10Split heel, together11-12Repeat 9-1013-14Touch right toe to right side, cross right foot over left15-16½ turn left, clapSYNCOPATED JUMP TWICE, MONTEREY TURN&-17-18Jump forward, stepping right then left, clap hands&-19-20Jump back, stepping right the left, clap hands21-24Touch right toe to right, ½ turn right on ball of your left foot stepping right foot next to left, touch left toe to left, step left foot next to rightMONTEREY TURN, VINE RIGHT25-28Touch right toe to right, ½ turn right on ball of your left foot stepping right foot next to left, touch left toe to left, step left foot next to right29-32Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right, touch left beside rightVINE LEFT, ¼ TURN LEFT TWICE33-36Step left to left, step right behind left, step left to left, touch right beside left37-38Step forward on right, ¼ turn left39-40Repeat 37-38¼ TURN LEFT TWICE, POINT OUT, TOGETHER, POINT OUT, TOGETHER41-44Repeat 37-4045-46Point right toe to right side, touch right to left47-48Point right toe to right side, right together to left (weight on both feet)REPEAT