Terry Hogan (AUS)
Doin' Hard Time In The Doghouse - Tim Ryan
1-2Twist both heels to the right3-4Heel split5-8Swivel right, center, left center 9-12Heel split, repeat13-14Touch right toe to the right side, step right foot beside left15-16Touch left toe to the left side, step left foot beside right 17-18Touch right toe to the right side, step right foot beside left19-20Making ¼ turn right on ball of right foot touch left foot to the left side, replace beside right21-24Vine left, (left-right-left), scuff right foot to the front 25-26Step forward on right foot, step left foot forward to lock behind right foot27-28Step forward on right foot, stomp left foot beside right29-32Vine right, (right-left-right), scuff left foot to the front 33-34Step forward on left foot, step right foot forward to lock behind left35Step forward on left foot making ½ turn left36Stomp right foot beside leftREPEAT