Turn, Turn, Turn
Rick Bates (USA) & Deborah Bates (USA)
Double Trouble - Travis Tritt
ROCK, ROCK, COASTER STEPS1-2Rock step forward onto right foot; rock back onto left foot3&4Step back on right foot; step back on left foot; step forward on right foot5-6Rock step forward onto left foot; rock back onto right foot7&8Step back on left foot; step back on right foot; step forward on left footDIAGONAL STEP SLIDES, DIAGONAL SHUFFLES9-10Step forward and diagonally to the right on right foot; slide left foot next to right and step11&12Shuffle forward and diagonally to the right (right, left, right)13-14Step forward and diagonally to the left on left foot; slide right foot next to left and step15&16Shuffle forward and diagonally to the left (left, right, left)STEP TURNS, FORWARD SHUFFLES17-18Step to the right on right foot; pivot ¼ turn to the left on balls of both feet and shift weight to left foot19&20Shuffle forward (right, left, right)21-22Step forward on left foot; pivot ½ turn to the right on balls of both feet and shift weight to right foot23&24Shuffle forward (left, right, left)ROLLING TURN, SIDEWAYS SHUFFLE, ROCK STEP, FORWARD SHUFFLE25-26Step to the right on right foot and begin a full turn to the right traveling right; step on left foot and complete traveling turn27&28Shuffle sideways to the right (right, left, right)29-30Step back on left foot; rock forward onto right foot31&32Step ¼ turn to the left and shuffle forward (left, right left)ROCK STEP, TURNING SHUFFLE, ROLLING TURN, SIDEWAYS SHUFFLE33-34Rock step forward on right foot; rock back onto left foot35&36Pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of left foot and shuffle forward (right, left, right)37-38Step to the left on left foot and begin a full turn to the left traveling left, step on right foot and complete full traveling turn39&40Shuffle sideways to the left (left, right, left), romp, hold, pivot, holds&41-42Step ball of right foot back and diagonally right; touch left heel forward; hold43-44Pivot ¼ turn to the right on ball of right foot and heel of left foot; hold and shift weight to left foot&45-46Step ball of right foot back and diagonally right; touch left heel forward; hold47-48Pivot ¼ turn to the right on ball of right foot and heel of left foot; hold and shift weight to left footREPEAT