Tranquil Nights (P)
Tammy Bosse (USA)
Nights Like These - The Lynns
Position: Sweetheart PositionALTERNATING STEP/TOUCHES, SHUFFLE STEPS WITH LADIES TURNING 1 FULL TO RIGHT1-2Right foot step forward, touch left foot next to right3-4Left foot step backwards, touch right foot next to left5-6Right foot step backwards, touch left foot next to right7&8Shuffle forward-left, right, left9&10Shuffle forward-right, left, right11&12Shuffle forward-left, right, left (ladies turn 1 full turn right)13&14Shuffle forward-right, left, right¼ TURN TO LOD, LEFT VINE/TOUCH, LADIES TURN 1 FULL TURN RIGHT WITH TOUCH, MEN - RIGHT VINE WITH TOUCH15-18¼ turn to right-step left foot, cross behind right, step left, touch right next to left19-22LADY: Turn 1 full turn to right, touch left foot (right, left, right, touch left) MAN: Vine right-step right, cross behind left, step right, touch left Raise both hands and begin turning ladies to the right-ending with a left touchLADIES TURN 1 ½ TURN LEFT WITH TOUCH, MEN LEFT VINE WITH TOUCH (END FACING PARTNER)23-26LADY: Turn 1 full turn left, (left, right, left), then pivot ½ turn left on ball of left foot, ending with right foot touching next to left (end facing partner in crossed hand position, right hands on top). MAN: Vine left-step left, cross behind right, step left, touch right Raise both hands and begin turning ladies to the left 1 full turn, then raise right hands over ladies head to turn her extra ½ turn to end up facing you-crossed hand positionSTEP & TOUCHES, MEN STEP, SLIDE, STEP, SCUFF, LADIES TURN RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, SCUFF27-28LADY: Step back on right foot, touch left MAN: Step forward on right foot, touch left (small step forward)29-30LADY: Step forward left foot, touch right MAN: Step back on left foot, touch right31-34LADY: 1 ¼ turn beginning with right foot (right, left, right), scuff left foot (facing LOD) MAN: Step ¼ turn left with right foot, slide left foot up to right, step forward with right, scuff left foot-dropping left hands-turn ladies 1 ¼ turn to the right (facing LOD)SHUFFLE FORWARD, STOMP, SCUFF-TWICE35&36Shuffle forward beginning with left foot (left, right, left)37-38Stomp right foot, scuff left foot39&40Shuffle forward beginning with left foot (left, right, left)41-42Stomp right foot, scuff left footJAZZ BOX LEFT WITH A SCUFF, REVERSE JAZZ BOX RIGHT WITH A SCUFF43-46Cross left foot over right, step back on right foot, step back on left foot, scuff right foot47-50Cross right foot over left, step back on left foot, step back on right foot, scuff left footSHUFFLE FORWARD, TURNING TOGETHER 1 FULL TURN RIGHT- THEN SHUFFLE FORWARD RIGHT - LEFT, 2 STOMPS51&52Make 1 full turn together to right, beginning with left foot (left, right, left) Drop left hands during turn then rejoin sweetheart position for remaining shuffle steps53&54Shuffle forward (right, left, right)55&56Shuffle forward (left, right, left)57-58Stomp right foot-twiceREPEAT