Too Stupid
Too Stupid - Brushwood
There is also a 24-count version of this dance that is simply the following minus the final 8 counts.ROCK FORWARD ROCK BACK, COASTER STEP, STOMP LEFT, HOLD, SHUFFLE TO SIDE1-2Rock forward on right recover back on left3&4Step back with right, together with left, step forward on right5-6Stomp left forward, hold7&8Shuffle to right (right-left-right)ROCK FORWARD, RECOVER BACK, ¼ TURN TRIPLE, STOMP FORWARD, HOLD, SHUFFLE LEFT1-2Left rock forward, recover back on right3&4¼ turn shuffle over left shoulder (9:00)5-6Stomp right forward, hold7&8Shuffle left side (left, right, left)TWO ¼ MONTEREY TURNS1-2Touch right toe out to the right side, pivot ¼ turn on your left foot as you bring your right foot together with your left3-4Touch left toe out to left side, bring left toe together with right foot and step on it5-6Touch right toe out, pivot ¼ turn on your left foot as you bring your right foot together with your left7-8Touch left toe out to the left side, bring it together with right (3:00)KICK BALL CHANGE, STEP TOUCH. KICK BALL CHANGE, STEP TOUCH1&2Right kick ball change3-4Step right and touch left to right5&6Left kick ball change7-8Step left and touch right to leftREPEAT