Texas "T" (P)
Pat Griffiths (UK) & Sue Griffiths (UK)
Stars On the Water - Rodney Crowell
Position: Semi-western hold. Man's hands on lady's waist. Lady's hands resting on man's upper arms.MAN'S STEPS1Rock forward on left foot2Rock back on right foot3Rock back on left foot4Rock forward on right foot5Rock forward on left foot6Rock back on right foot7Rock back on left foot8Rock forward on right foot 9Left foot step forward10Right foot touch next to left11Right foot step forward12Left foot touch next to right Man to take small steps on beats 13-16 13Left foot step to left14Right foot step behind left15Left foot step to left16Right foot touch next to left Man leaves hands loose around ladies waist, ladies hands place on own chest while turning 17Right foot step to right18Dip body in curve motion19Slide left foot to right foot20Touch left foot next to right Man should now be standing behind the lady, with lady's hands on top of man's hands 21Left foot step to left22Dip body in curve motion23Slide right foot to left foot24Touch right foot next to left 25Right foot step to right26Left foot step behind right27Right foot step to right28Left foot touch next to right Man leaves hand loose around lady's waist, lady places hands on own chest while doing a turning grapevine 29Left foot step to left30Dip body in curve motion31Slide right foot to left foot32Touch right foot next to left Man standing behind lady with lady's hands on top of man's hands 33Right foot step to right34Dip body in curve motion35Slide left foot to right foot36Touch left foot next to right 37-38Left forward shuffle39-40Right shuffle forward41-42Left forward shuffle43-44Right shuffle forward Start turning to right on beats 37/38 so that the lady ends in semi-western holdREPEATLADY'S STEPS1Rock back on right foot2Rock forward on left foot3Rock forward on right foot4Rock back on left foot5Rock back on right foot6Rock forward on left foot7Rock forward on right foot8Rock back on left foot 9Right foot step back10Left foot touch next to right11Left foot step back12Right foot touch next to left Man to take small steps on beats 13-16 13With right foot turn ¼ turn right14With left foot turn ¼ turn right15Tap right foot16Tap right foot Man leaves hands loose around ladies waist, ladies hands place on own chest while turning 17Right foot step to right18Dip body in curve motion19Slide left foot to right foot20Touch left foot next to right Man should now be standing behind the lady, with lady's hands on top of man's hands 21Left foot step to left22Dip body in curve motion23Slide right foot to left foot24Touch right foot next to left 25Right foot ¼ turn to right26Left foot ½ turn to right27Right foot ¼ turn to right28Left foot touch next to right Man leaves hand loose around lady's waist, lady places hands on own chest while doing a turning grapevine 29Left foot step to left30Dip body in curve motion31Slide right foot to left foot32Touch right foot next to left Man standing behind lady with lady's hands on top of man's hands 33Right foot step to right34Dip body in curve motion35Slide left foot to right foot36Place left foot down 37-38Right shuffle forward39-40Turning left shuffle41-42Right shuffle backwards43-44Left shuffle backwards Start turning to right on beats 37/38 so that the lady ends in semi-western holdREPEAT