Swing Daddy
Frank Cooper (CAN) & Carole Daugherty (USA)
Whoo-Wee Sweet Daddy - Katie Webster
Sequence: A, A, A, B, B, B, A, A, A, A, A, B, BPART A CROSS BEHIND, SIDE, CROSS OVER, KICK SIDE TO THE LEFT & RIGHT1-4Step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, step right foot over left, kick left foot out to left side at 45 degree angle5-8Step left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, step left foot over right, kick right foot out to right side at 45 degree angleCROSS BEHIND, KICK SIDE TWICE, TOUCH DOWN IN FRONT & TWIST9-12Step right foot behind left, kick left foot out to left side at 45 degree angle, step left foot behind right, kick right foot out to right side at 45 degree angle13-16Touch right toe down in front of left foot, while swiveling both heels to the left, swivel heels to the right, swivel heels to the left, swivel heels to the rightROCK STEP FORWARD, TOE STRUTS BACK TWICE, ROCK STEP BACK17-20Rock forward on right foot, recover back onto left foot, touch right toe back, drop right heel21-24Touch left toe back, drop left heel, rock back on right foot, recover forward onto left foot Optional:17-20Rock forward on right foot, recover back onto left foot, kick right foot back at an angle to the right, step down on right21-24Kick left foot back at an angle to the left, step down on left, kick right foot back at an angle to the right, slightly hitch right knee beside left legTOUCH FORWARD, HOLD, TOUCH BACK, HOLD, PIVOT ¼ TURN, KICK TWICE25-28Touch right toe forward, hold, touch right toe back, hold29-32Touch right toe forward, pivot ¼ turn to the left, kick right foot out to right side at 45 degree angle twice Optional25-28Kick right foot forward, hold, kick right foot back, hold These counts will tie in with the optional counts for 17-24TOE STRUT BOX ½ TURN33-36Touch right toe across left foot, drop right heel, touch left toe back into a ¼ turn to the right, drop left heel37-40Touch right toe forward into a ¼ turn to the right, drop right heel, touch left toe out to left side, drop left heelROCK STEP FORWARD, ROCK STEP BACK, SWIVEL WALK FORWARD41-44Rock forward on right foot, recover back onto left foot, rock back on right foot, recover forward onto left foot45-48Step forward on the right foot while right heel swivels in towards left foot, step forward on the left foot while left heel swivels in towards right foot & right heel swivels out, step forward on right foot while right heel swivels in towards left foot & left heel swivels out, step forward on the left foot with slight swivel of the left heelPART B STEP TOGETHER TWICE, TWIST BACK1-4Step forward on the right foot, bring left foot up to right foot in 3rd position, step forward on the right foot, touch left toe beside the right foot5-8Step slightly back on the left foot while twisting left, twist to the right, twist to the left, return center taking weight on the left foot (lean back on the twist for styling)STEP TOGETHER TWICE, TWIST FORWARD9-12Step forward on the right foot, bring left foot up to right foot in 3rd position, step forward on the right foot, touch left toe beside the right foot13-16Step slightly forward on the left foot while twisting left, twist to the right, twist to the left, return center taking weight on the left foot (lean forward and shimmy for styling)MODIFIED SAILOR STEP, MODIFIED SAILOR STEP ½ TURN17-20Step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, step right foot to right side, hold21-24Step left foot behind right, step right foot to right side beginning ½ turn left, step forward on left foot completing ½ turn left, holdSTEP SIDE, HOLD, KICK TWICE, MODIFIED COASTER STEP25-28Step right foot to right side, hold, kick left foot across right twice29-32Step back on left, step together with right, step forward on the left foot, hold