Swing Batter Swing
Don Williamson (USA) & Martha Davenport (USA)
Swing - Trace Adkins
¼ TURN, ¼ TURN, 2 FORWARD SHUFFLES1-2Step forward on right, turn ¼ left taking weight to left3-4Step forward on right, turn ¼ left taking weight to left Styling: put right fist on top of left fist and "swing" a bat5&6Step forward on right, step left to right, step forward on right7&8Step forward on left, step right to left, step forward on left9-16Repeat 1-8CROSS ROCK, COASTER STEP, AND REPEAT17-18Cross rock right across left, recover to left19&20Step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on right21-22Cross rock left across right, recover to left23&24Step back on left, step right next to left, step forward on leftPOINT, POINT, SAILOR STEP AND REPEAT25-26Point right toe forward, point right toe to right side27&28Step right behind left, step left to left, step right forward29-30Point left toe forward, point left toe to left side31&32Step left behind right, step right to right, step left forwardSHUFFLE FORWARD, ½ TURN RIGHT, SHUFFLE FORWARD, ¼ TURN LEFT33&34Step forward on right, step left to right, step forward on right35-36Step forward on left, turn ½ right and step on right37&38Step forward on left, step right to left, step forward on left39-40Step forward on right, turn ¼ left and step on left41-48Repeat 33-40FORWARD LOCK FORWARD TWICE, ROCKING CHAIR49-52Step diagonally forward on right, close left behind right, step forward right, scuff53-56Step diagonally forward on left, close right behind left, step forward left, scuff57-60Step forward on right, recover on left, step back on right, recover on leftREPEATTAG At the end of the third repetition (6:00 wall), repeat the rocking chair (57-60)ENDING The dance ends on count 60 at the 6:00 wall. To end facing front, step forward on right, ½ pivot turn over left shoulder, step forward on right and hold