Dawn Rathbun (USA)
Delicious Surprise - Jo Dee Messina
ROCK & CROSS, ROCK & CROSS, WALK, WALK, SHUFFLE1&2Rock side right, cross right over left3&4Rock side left, cross left over right5-6Walk forward right, left7&8Shuffle forward right, left, rightPIVOT, SHUFFLE, ½ MONTEREY1-2Step left, ½ turn pivot right (weight on right)3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left5-6Point right toe to right side, turn ½ turn right and bring right together (weight now on right)7-8Point left toe to left side, bring left together (weight now on left)JACKS, CROSS ¼ TURN KICK, COASTER1&2&Point right toe to right side, step right together, point left toe to left side, step left together3&4Tap right heel forward, step right together, tap left heel forward5&6Cross right over left, ¼ turn left, kick left forward7&8Coaster left, right, leftHIP BUMPS, CROSS POINT, CROSS POINT, CROSS POINT1&2Touch right toe to right side while bumping hips twice to right, step on right on second bump3-4Cross left over right, point right toe to right side5-6Cross right over left, point left toe to left side7-8Cross left over right, point right toe to right sideKICK TOUCH, KICK TOUCH, SAILOR, SAILOR1&2Kick right forward, touch left toe to left side3&4Kick left forward, touch right toe to right side5&6Sailor right, left, right7&8Sailor left, right, leftREPEAT