Summerwind Stomp
Dixie Lippe (SWE)
Move - Andreas Lundstedt
HOOK COMBINATION RIGHT AND LEFT1-2Touch right heel forward, hook right in front of left3-4Touch right heel forward, step right beside left5-6Touch left heel forward, hook left in front of right7-8Touch left heel forward, step left beside rightSTOMPS, CLAPS AND RIGHT GRAPEVINE1-2Stomp forward right, left3-4Clap your hands twice5-6Step right to side, step left behind right7-8Step right to side, touch left beside rightLEFT GRAPEVINE, HALF CIRCLE WALK1-2Step left to side, step right behind left3-4Step left to side, touch left beside right5-8Turn ½ by walking in a half circle right, left, right, leftREPEATOPTION: CONTRA VERSION Make two lines with the dancers facing each others and walk straight forward passing through the opposite line on the last 4 counts. On wall 2 you start with your backs toward the other line. Do the half circle on counts 21-24 so you can look at each other again