Straighten Up & Fly Right
Terry Hogan (AUS)
Straighten Up and Fly Right - Neal McCoy
1-2Rock-step right foot to the side, rock-replace weight onto left3-4Step right foot across in front of left, hold5-6Step left foot to the side, step right foot across behind left7Make ¼ turn left on ball of right foot and step left foot forward8Rock-step right foot forward 9-10Rock backward onto left foot, kick right foot forward (low kick)11-12Rock-step right foot backward (small step), rock forward onto left13-14Rock backward onto right foot, kick left foot forward (low kick)15-16Rock-step left foot backward (small step), rock forward onto right Both kicks are almost like forward brushes with the foot just lifting from the floor For 11-12 and 15-16, use hips on these rocks. As you rock backward let the heel of the forward foot lift. Drop it and lift the other heel as you rock forward 17-18Rock backward onto left foot, kick right foot forward (low kick)19-20Step right foot backward, step left foot beside right21-22Step right foot forward and make ¼ turn left, touch left foot beside right23-24Step left foot to the side, step right foot beside left 25-27With feet together swivel heels right, transfer weight to heels and swivel toes right, transfer weight to toes and swivel heels right You will travel to the right&28Raise both heels, drop heels taking weight onto right foot29-30Step left foot forward traveling slightly toward left diagonal, slide right foot beside left31-32Step left foot forward, brush right foot forwardREPEAT For those of you who like "endings" to a dance, this one finishes on counts 23-24. To finish facing front, make ½ turn left as you step to the side on count 23 and step right foot beside left