John Haskell (USA)
Stampede - Chris LeDoux
Position: Start with weight on right with left heel to the leftVAUDEVILLE HOPS (SEE EXAMPLE BELOW)&1&2Vaudeville hop to the left&3&4Vaudeville hop to the rightROLLING VINE, HEEL TOUCH5-8Rolling full turn vine to the left, touch right heel to the rightVAUDEVILLE HOPS&1&2Vaudeville hop to the right&3&4Vaudeville hop to the leftROLLING VINE, TOE TOUCH5-8Rolling full turn vine to the right, touch left toe beside rightSHUFFLE, TURNING SHUFFLE, ROCK STEP1&2Shuffle forward left-right-left,3&4Shuffle forward right-left-right making ½ turn to the left5-6Rock back on left, rock forward on rightSHUFFLE, TURNING SHUFFLE, TURNING SHUFFLE1&2Shuffle forward left-right-left3&4Shuffle forward right-left-right making ½ turn to the left5&6Shuffle forward left-right-left making ½ turn to the leftJAZZ BOX1-4Step right across left, step left backward, step right to right, touch left heel to leftREPEATVAUDEVILLE HOP TO THE LEFT-EXAMPLE (Start with left heel to the left)&Step ball of left behind right1Step right to the left&Step left to the left2Touch right heel to the right