Spaghetti Junction
Chris Peel (UK)
Four Wheel Cowboy - Dave Sheriff & The Nashville Superpickers
CLOGGING STEPS1-2Tap right heel forward, slide back and step right in place3-4Tap left heel forward, hitch left5-6Tap left heel forward, slide back and step left in place7-8Tap right heel forward, hitch right¼ TURN RIGHT, STOMP, COASTER BACK, PENDULUM SWING9-10Step ¼ turn right on right, stomp up left (weight on right)11&12Step back left - step together right, step forward left13&14Touch right toe to side, hop right in place/touch left toe to side&15-16Hop left in place/touch right toe to side, holdSTEP BACK, KICK-BALL TOUCH, PENDULUM SWING17-18Step back right, step back left19&20Kick right forward - step right in place, touch left in place21&22Touch left toe to side, hop left in place/touch right toe to side23&24Hop right in place/touch left toe to side, holdCROSS UNWIND ½ TURN, HEEL TOUCHES, CROSS UNWIND ½ TURN HEEL-BALL CHANGE25-26Step left across right, unwind ½ turn right (weight on left)27&28Touch right heel forward, hop right in place/touch left heel forward29-30Step left across right, unwind ½ turn right (weight on left)31&32Touch right heel forward - step right in place, step left togetherSWIVET RIGHT, HITCH-TOUCH HITCH, VINE LEFT33-34(Weight on right heel/left toe) swivel right toe to right/ left heel to left, swivel right toe to center/swivel left heel to center35&36Hitch left/slap knee with left palm - touch left in place, hitch left/slap knee with left palm37-40Side step left, step right behind left, side step left, step right togetherSWIVET LEFT, HITCH-TOUCH HITCH, VINE RIGHT41-42(Weight on left heel/right toe) swivel left toe to left/right heel to right, swivel left toe to center/swivel right heel to center43&44Hitch right/slap knee with right palm - touch right in place, hitch right/slap knee with right palm45-48Side step right, step left behind right, side step right, step left togetherREPEAT