Southern Streamline
Mack Apaapa (NZ)
Southern Streamline - John Fogerty
Stomp Claps, Walk Forward, Walk Backward1-4Stomp right forward, clap, stomp left beside right, clap5-8Stomp right forward, clap, stomp left beside right, clap9-12Walk forward right-left-right, kick left forward13-16Walk backward left, right, left, touch right toe beside leftSIDE STRUTS, TOE TRIANGLES17-18Touch right toe to side, drop right heel down19-20Touch left toe to side, drop left heel down21-22Touch right toe to the original position, drop right heel down23-24Touch left toe to the original position, drop left heel down25-28Touch right toe forward, then to right side, close right beside left, hold29-32Touch left toe forward, then to left side, close left beside right, hold½ TURN 12-COUNT ARCH These moves are similar to a left applejack. During the 12 counts you are executing an arch ending up having completed a ½ turn33At the same time the left toe fans left while the right heel moves left34At the same time the left heel moves left while the right toe fans left35At the same time the left toe fans left while the right heel moves left36At the same time the left heel moves left while the right toe fans left37At the same time the left toe fans left while the right heel moves left38At the same time the left heel moves left while the right toe fans left39At the same time the left toe fans left while the right heel moves left40At the same time the left heel moves left while the right toe fans left41At the same time the left toe fans left while the right heel moves left42At the same time the left heel moves left while the right toe fans left43At the same time the left toe fans left while the right heel moves left44At the same time the left heel moves left while the right toe fans left¾ KICK TURNS, STOMP CLAPS45-46Kick right foot forward, then replace right to original position turning ¼ left47-48Kick left foot forward, then replace left to original position turning ¼ left49-50Kick right foot forward, then replace right to original position turning ¼ left51-52Kick left foot forward, then replace left to original position53-56Stomp right slightly forward, clap, stomp left beside right, clapTRAIN WHEELS Your hands move like the wheel arm on a steam train while executing these moves57-58Step right foot forward, step left beside right59-60Step right foot backward, step left beside right61-62Step right foot forward, step left beside right63-64Step right foot backward, step left beside rightRIGHT TOE HEELS, TWISTS At this stage both feet are positioned in the normal position i.e. Side by side65Turning your body on a slight 45 degree angle left, touch right toe to floor turning toe in toward left foot66Touch right heel to floor turning toe away from left foot67Touch right toe to floor turning toe in toward left foot68Touch right heel to floor turning toe away from left foot69Place right beside left quickly twisting both heals to right70Twist both heals to left71Twist both heals to right72Twist both heels back to normal positionLEFT TOE HEEL, TWISTS73Turning your body on a slight 45 degree angle right, touch left toe to floor turning toe in toward right foot74Touch left heel to floor turning toe away from right foot75Touch left toe to floor turning toe in toward right foot76Touch left heel to floor turning toe away from right foot77Place left beside right quickly twisting both heals to left78Twist both heels to right79Twist both heels to left80Twist both heels back to normal positionQUARTER PADDLE TURNS81-82Step right forward, hold83-84Quarter turn left on the balls of both feet, hold85-86Step right forward, hold87-88Quarter turn left on the balls of both feet, hold89-90Step right forward, hold91-92Quarter turn left on the balls of both feet, holdBACKWARD WALK WITH HALF TURN93Step backward on right94Step backward on left95Turn ½ right and step right forward96Close left beside rightREPEAT To fit with phrasing of the song the first 32 counts of this dance are to be left out on the third sequence only.