Something To Drink About (P)
Bill Gallagher (UK)
I'll Give You Something to Drink About - George Jones
Position: Start facing LOD, holding inside hands. Steps mirror image, except where shown, Man's steps given 1-2Touch right heel forward, touch right toe back3&4Step forward right, left, right5-6Step forward left, rock back on right7&8Step back left, right, left 1-2Step back right, rock forward left turning ¼ turn right, to face partner taking up lady's right hand3&4Right, left, right on the spot Both now on same feet5-6Cross left over right, rock back on right, left shoulder to left shoulder7&8Left, right, left on the spot 1-2Cross right over left, rock back on left, right shoulder to right shoulder3&4Right, left, right on the spot (drop right hand, raise left)5-6MAN: Step forward on left, step forward on right tuning ½ turn left to face LADY: (Drop left hand, raise right)step forward on right, step forward on left turning ½ turn right, to face man7&8MAN: Left, right, left on the spot LADY: Right, left, right on the spot going under raised hands Drop right hands, raise left Drop left hand, take up lady's left hand in his right hand1-2MAN: Step forward on right, step forward on left turning ¼ turn right to face LOD LADY: Step forward on left, step forward on right turning ¼ turn left to face LOD, going under raised hands3&4MAN: Forward right, left, right LADY: Forward left, right, left, keep hold of inside hands Mirror image5-6Step left on left, cross right behind left7&8Left, right, left on the spot 1-2Step right on right, cross left behind right3&4Step right, left, right on the spot5-6Step forward on left, rock back on right7&8Step back left, right, left 1-2Step back on right, step forward on left3-4Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left to face RLOD dropping lady's left hand, picking up right5&6Step forward right, left, right7-8Step forward left, pivot ½ turn right to face LOD dropping lady's right hand, picking up left 1&2Step forward on left, right, leftREPEAT