Sham Rock Shake
Robert Padden (IRE) & Regina Padden (IRE)
Tell Me Ma - Sham Rock
STEP, KICK, CROSS-BALL-CHANGE, CROSS-BALL-CHANGE1-2Step forward on right foot, kick left foot forward3&4Cross left foot in front of right, step right foot to right side, rock weight onto left foot (forward left sailor step)5&6Cross right foot in front of left, step left foot to left side, rock weight onto right foot (forward right sailor step)TWO-PART MILITARY TURN, ½ TURN TRIPLE IN PLACE7-8Step forward with left foot, pause 1 beat (clap)9-10Pivot half turn right on balls of both feet, pause 1 beat (clap)11&12Step left, right, left in place completing half turn to the right (turning 3 step shuffle)WALK, WALK, TOUCH-SCUFF-STEP13-14Step forward right, step forward left15&16Touch right toe behind left foot, scoot back on left foot, step back on right footSHUFFLES, CROSS, UNWIND, BUMP-BUMP17&18Shuffle forward left-right-left19&20Shuffle forward right-left-right21-22Cross left over right, unwind three quarter turn to the right23-24Do the shamrock shake ie bump hips forward twice while holding hands behind your head or anything else you can think of.HEEL TAP SCOOTS25&Touch left heel forward, hitch left & scoot forward on right foot26&Touch left heel forward, hitch left & scoot forward on right foot27&Touch left heel forward, hitch left & scoot forward on right foot28&Touch left heel forward, hitch left & scoot forward on right footHEEL AND TOE TAPS29&Touch left heel forward, step weight onto left foot30&Touch right heel forward, step weight onto right foot31&Touch left toe behind right foot, step weight onto left foot32Touch right beside left (weight remains on left)REPEATOPTIONAL STEPS 25 -28 (MEDIUM)25&Touch left heel forward, hitch left & scoot forward on right foot26Touch left heel forward27&28Clap hands 3 times&Lift left heel off floor (EASY)25&Touch left heel forward, lift left heel off floor26&Touch left heel forward, lift left heel off floor27&Touch left heel forward, lift left heel off floor28&Touch left heel forward, lift left heel off floorTRY AND ADD THE FOLLOWING TO STEPS 29-3229Clap hands at waist level on count 2930Clap hands above head on count 3031Clap hands behind your back on count 3132Clap hands in front on count 32