Simon Ward (AUS)
Whenever, Wherever - Shakira
1&2Cross/shuffle to right left, right, left&Turn a ½ turn right on ball of left foot (hinge turn)3&4Cross/shuffle to left right, left, right5&6Bring left leg around & cross/shuffle to right left, right, left&Turn a ½ turn right on ball of left foot (hinge turn)7&8Cross/shuffle to left right, left, right(BALL JACKS)&1&2Step left slightly left & back, touch right heel at 45 degrees right, step right slightly back at center, cross/step left over right&3&4Step right slightly right & back, touch left heel at 45 degrees left, step down on left at 45 degrees left, tap right beside left&5-6Step right slightly back, touch left heel at 45 degrees left, hold & step down on left at 45 degrees left&7&8Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left, step right forward, pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left&Tap right beside left 1-2Step right back starting to make a ½ turn left, complete ½ turn left by stepping on left & facing back wall3&4Cross/rock right over left, rock/step left back, turn a ¼ turn right stepping right slightly forward after turn5-6Turn a further ¼ turn right stepping left foot to side after turn and dragging right heel on side step, step right behind left7&8Step left slightly to left & turning ¼ left, step right forward, pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left 1-2Turn a further ¼ turn left stepping right foot to side after turn and dragging left heel on side step, step left behind right3&4Step right slightly to right & turning ¼ right, step left forward, pivot ½ turn right taking weight onto right5-6Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right taking weight onto right7&8Step left slightly forward, step right beside left, step left slightly back (forward coaster step) The next 8 try and do a samba feel, using your hips slightly1&2Rock right to right side, take weight onto left at center and slightly back, cross/step right over left3&4Step left to left side, turn a ¼ turn right taking weight onto right foot, step left slightly forward5&6Rock right to right side, take weight onto left at center and slightly back, cross/step right over left7&8Step left to left side, turn a ¼ turn right taking weight onto right foot, step left slightly forward 1-2Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left3-4Rock/step right forward, rock/step left back flicking right foot under left knee5-6Large step forward on right, lock/step left behind right&Step right forward7-8Step left forward, pivot ¼ turn right taking weight onto right footREPEATTAG At the end of the second wall you will do the first 4 counts and then start again. So in other words you will do six cross/shuffles instead of four on the 3rd wall.