Shakin' All Over
Peter Metelnick (UK)
The Shake - Neal McCoy
Sequence: When danced to "The Shake", it it AAB-AAB then A to the end. When danced to "(You Make Me Feel) Groovy! (LD Tempo Mix)", just dance Part A repeatedly.PART A-THE MAIN EVENT SHAKE IT TO THE LEFT, SHAKE IT TO THE RIGHT1-8Step left foot to left side and bump hips left 4x, shift weight to right foot and bump hips right 4xTURN ¼ LEFT & SHUFFLE FORWARD, RIGHT FORWARD, ½ LEFT PIVOT TURN, SHUFFLE FORWARD, STOMP LEFT TWICE1&2Turn ¼ left and step left foot forward, step right foot together, step left foot forward3-4Step right foot forward, pivot ½ left5&6Step right foot forward, step left foot together, step right foot forward7-8Stomp left foot together twice keeping weight on right footSAILOR SHUFFLES WITH A TWIST!1&2Step left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, step left foot in place3-4With feet apart swivel heels left, swivel heels right with weight ending on left foot5&6Step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, step right foot in place7-8With feet apart swivel heels right, swivel heels left turning ¼ right with weight ending on left footFORWARD SHUFFLE, LEFT FORWARD TURNING ½ RIGHT, RIGHT BACK, SHAKE IT BACK!1&2Step right foot forward, step left foot together, step right foot forward3-4Step left foot forward turning ½ right, step right foot back5-8Bump right hip back 4x (weight is on right foot)FORWARD SHUFFLE, RIGHT FORWARD, ½ LEFT PIVOT TURN, RIGHT FORWARD, DOUBLE CLAP, LEFT FORWARD, SINGLE CLAP1&2Step left foot forward, step right foot together, step left foot forward3-4Step right foot forward, pivot ½ left5&6Step right foot forward, clap twice7-8Step left foot forward, clapRIGHT FORWARD, DOUBLE CLAP, LEFT FORWARD, SINGLE CLAP, HITCH-STEPS BACK1&2Step right foot forward, clap twice3-4Step left foot forward, clap&5&6Hitch right knee up, step right foot back, hitch left knee up, step left foot back&7-8Hitch right knee up, step right foot back, step left foot together½ RIGHT MONTEREY TURN & DOUBLE CLAP, ¼ RIGHT MONTEREY TURN & CLAP1-2Touch right toes to right side, pivot ½ right on left foot & step right foot together3-4Touch left toes to left side, step left foot together5-6Touch right toes to right side, pivot ¼ right on left foot & step right foot together7-8Touch left toes to left side, step left foot together You can add claps to this section, clapping hands while doing Monterey turns on counts &2, 4, &6, 8HEEL TOE SWIVELS TRAVELING RIGHT (THE DWIGHT), ½ RIGHT MONTEREY TURN ENDING WITH LEFT KNEE BENT IN FRONT OF RIGHT LEG1-4With weight on left foot travel right: Swivel left heel right & touch right toes together, Swivel left toes right & touch right heel together, Swivel left heel right & touch right toes together, Swivel left toes right & touch right heel together5-8Touch right toes to right side, pivot ½ right on left foot & step right foot together, touch left toes to left side, raise left leg up bending left knee in front of right leg (weight ends on right foot)REPEAT For the dance to phrase properly to neal's song, you have to add 2-8 count bonus sections (part b). These occur after going through the dance for the 2nd & 4th time. After completing the dance for the 2nd time, you will be facing the back wall. Do the following 8 count section:PART B-BONUS BEATS! BASIC LEFT & CLAP, BASIC RIGHT & CLAP1-4Step left foot to left side, step right foot together, step left foot to left side, touch right foot together & clap5-8Step right foot to right side, step left foot together, step right foot to right side, touch left foot together & clapREPEAT After completing the dance for the 4th time you will be facing forward. Add the 8 count section (part B) & then repeat the dance from the beginning.