Shakey Ground
Myriam Charlton (CAN)
Shakey Ground - Don Henly And Elton John
2 WALKS FORWARD, TWIST-TWIST-TWIST, HIP ROLL ½ TURN, SAILOR SHUFFLE1-2Step forward right, step forward left3&4Step forward right while twisting to the left, twist to the right, twist to the left5-6With knees still bent, circle hips around (back-side-front) while making half turn to the left, transferring weight on right foot (you're now facing the back wall)7&8Cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left sideTOUCH-TOUCH-STEP(TWICE), TOUCH-STEP CROSS, TOE TOUCH FRONT & BACK1&2Touch ball of right foot next to left, touch right again going to right side, step right foot to right side3&4&5Touch ball of left foot next to right, touch left again going to left side, step left foot to left side, touch right foot next to left, step right to right side6-7-8Cross & step left foot over right foot, touch ball of right foot forward diagonal right while lifting right arm up and snap, cross & touch right foot back and behind left foot while bringing right arm down and across front of body and snap For style: look down at your left foot on count 8SHUFFLE RIGHT, SCUFF, HEEL, CROSS, ¾ SPIN, STEP, HEEL, SHOULDER ISOLATIONS1&2Step right foot to right side, step left next to right, step right foot to right side3-4Brush and kick flexed left foot up "scuff", step on right heel5-6Cross ball of left foot over right foot, spin ¾ turn to the right on ball of right foot, using left foot to help you spin, ending with weight still on right foot&7&8Step back on left foot, touch right heel forward, lift right shoulder up, lift left shoulder up while bringing the right shoulder downHITCH-SHUFFLE FORWARD, HITCH ½ TURN SHUFFLE FORWARD, STEP, HEEL, HEAD ISOLATIONS, ½ TURN SAILOR SHUFFLE&1&2Bring right foot just below left knee, step right foot forward, step left next to right, step forward right&3&4Bring left foot just below right knee while pivoting ½ turn to left on right foot, step left foot forward, step right next to left, step forward left&5&6Step back on right, touch left heel forward, look right, look front7&8Cross left behind right while spinning ½ turn to left, step right next to left foot, step left foot forwardREPEAT