Secret Recipe
Deb Crew (CAN)
Take That - Lisa Brokop
SHUFFLE FORWARD, ROCK-STEP1Step forward with right foot&Step left foot next to right foot2Step forward with right foot3Step forward with left foot4Rock back onto right footSTEP BACK, KICK, SHUFFLE BACK5Step back with left foot6Kick right foot forward7Step back with right foot&Step left foot next to right foot8Step back with right footROCK-STEP, SHUFFLE FORWARD9Step back with left foot10Rock forward onto right foot11Step forward with left foot&Step right foot next to left foot12Step forward with left footSTEP, SCUFF, SHUFFLE FORWARD13Step forward with right foot14Scuff left heel forward15Step forward with left foot&Step right foot next to left foot16Step forward with left footSTEP, ½ TURN, SIDE SHUFFLE17Step forward with right toe/ball18Pivot ½ turn left on ball of left foot19Step to right side with right foot&Step left foot next to right foot20Step to right side with right footCROSS-ROCK, KICK-BALL-CROSS21Step across behind right leg with left foot22Rock forward onto right foot23Kick left foot forward&Step ball of left foot next to right foot24Step across in front of left leg with right footKICK-BALL-CROSS, SIDE SHUFFLE25Kick left foot forward&Step ball of left foot next to right foot26Step across in front of left leg with right foot27Step to left side with left foot&Step right foot next to left foot28Step to left side with left footCROSS-ROCK, KICK-BALL-CROSS/TURN29Step across behind left leg with right foot30Rock forward onto left foot31Kick right foot forward&Step ball of right foot next to left foot32Crossing in front of right leg, step ¼ turn right with left footREPEAT FINISHING TOUCH: Towards the end of the song the music slows down. Complete the dance but do not make the ¼ turn on count 32. The weight will be on your left foot. Hold this position for several beats of music. On the 4th beat of the faster music, do the following steps to end the dance.EIGHT SHUFFLE IN PLACE: (CLOGGING)1&2&Shuffle in place: right-left-right- scuff left heel forward3&4&Shuffle ¼ turn left: left-right-left-scuff right heel forward5&6&Shuffle in place: right-left-right- scuff left heel forward7&8&Shuffle ¼ turn left: left-right-left-scuff right heel forward 1&2&Shuffle in place: right-left-right- scuff left heel forward3&4&Shuffle ¼ turn left: left-right-left-scuff right heel forward5&6&Shuffle in place: right-left-right- scuff left heel forward7&8&Shuffle ¼ turn left: left-right-left-scuff right heel forward