Scottish Cowboy
John Pannell (AUS)
Rhythm of My Heart - Rod Stewart
1&2Step left behind right, step right together, step left to side3&4Step right behind left, step left together, step right to side5&6Step left behind right, step right together, step left to side7&8Step right behind left, step left together, step right to side 9&10Shuffle forward left-right-left11-12Rock forward on right, rock back on left13&14Shuffle back right-left-right15-16Rock back on left, rock forward on right 17&18Shuffle to right commencing with left foot stepping across in front (left-right-left)19-20Turning full turn right step right-left21-24Step right to side with hip bump right, then hip bumps left-right-left25&26Shuffle to left commencing with right foot stepping across in front (right-left-right)27&28Turn ¼ turn left while shuffling forward left-right-left29-34(Sugar foot) traveling right-toe, heel, toe, heel, toe, stomp35-38Vine left: left-right-left-stomp right39-40Step forward on right while turning ½ turn left, step left together41&42Shuffle to left commencing with right foot stepping across in front (right-left-right)43-46Step left to side with hip bump left, then hip bumps right-left-rightREPEAT