Scarborough Fair
Intermediate waltz
Sandy Kerrigan (AUS)
Scarborough Fair - Simon & Garfunkel
1-3Cross left over right, step right to right, turn ¼ left step forward left4-6Step forward right, turn ½ right step back left, turn ¼ right step right to right side 1-2Left cross lunge over right, (facing back right angle) replace weight to right3Turn ¼ left step forward left4-6Turn ¼ left step right to right, cross left behind right, turn ¼ right step forward right 1-3Step forward left ¼ pivot right, place weight to right, cross left over right4-6Step right to right, ½ hinge turn left, step left to left, right cross lunge over left (facing front left angle) 1-3Replace weight to left, turn ¼ right step forward right, turn ¼ right step left to left4-5Rock/step back right facing back right angle (exaggerated rock), replace forward to left6Step right to right (straighten to back wall) 1-2Rock/step back on left facing back left angle, replace forward to right3-6Step forward left on left angle, full turn forward left step right-left, step forward right After completing the turn, still facing back left angle 1-3Step forward left ½ pivot right, replace weight right, turn ½ right step back on left4-5Step back on right, cross left over right straighten to back wall6Step right back and to right sideREPEATTAG During wall 3 (back wall) after the second rock back, leave out the full turn forward left, replace with a raised run forward left-right-left-right on counts 3-4-5-6. You will hear the words bird running on snow covered ground.