Ryno #10
Ryan Backes (USA)
Sawdust on Her Halo - Tracy Lawrence
SWING STEPS1-4Shuffle step to the left, rock back on right, forward to left5-8Shuffle step to the right, rock back on left, forward to rightHOP STEPS&1Jump diagonal forward and to the left 11:002Hold&3Jump diagonal forward and to the right 1:004Hold&5Jump diagonal forward and to the left 11:006Hold&7Jump back&8Jump backBACK AND HEEL STEP&1Jump back on right foot and left heel forward&2Jump both feet home&3Jump back on left foot and put right heel forward&4Jump both feet homeWASH MACHINE FORWARD1Swivel right hips forward2Swivel left hips forward3Swivel right hips forward4Swivel left hips forwardSTOMPS1-4Stomp right foot 4 times5-6Step diagonal back on right, stomp left next to right7-8Step diagonal back on left, stomp right foot next to leftVINES1-4Right vine with a scuff swing on 45-8Left vine with a scuff swing on 8SWING STEPS AND SHUFFLE STEPS1-4Shuffle step to right, back rock on left, forward to right5&6Left shuffle diagonal forward 11:007-8Pivot ½ turn to the right, rock back on right, rock forward to left foot 5:00SHUFFLE STEP1&2Shuffle forward on right 5:003-4Step forward on left and turn 3/8 to the right and step to right 9:00REPEAT