Judy McDonald (CAN)
Living in Jungles - Bedouin Soundclash
RIGHT STEP SIDE, LEFT BEHIND, RIGHT STEP SIDE, LEFT KICK1-4Step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side, kick left to sideLEFT STEP SIDE, RIGHT TOUCH, RIGHT SIDE ROCK, LEFT STEP5-8Step left to side, touch right beside left, rock right to side, step left in placeRIGHT CROSS, LEFT COASTER1-4Step right across in front of left, step left back, step right beside left, step left forwardRIGHT TOUCH, RIGHT ROCK BACK, LEFT STEP, RIGHT STEP TOGETHER5-8Touch right beside left, rock right back, step left in place, step right beside leftLEFT STEP SIDE, RIGHT STEP TOGETHER, LEFT STEP SIDE, RIGHT STEP TOGETHER1-4Step left to side, step right beside left, step left to side, step right beside leftLEFT COASTER, RIGHT TOUCH5-8Step left back, step right beside left, step left forward, touch right beside leftMAKE ¼ TURN RIGHT STEP, HOLD, LEFT STEP, HOLD (DEFAULT MOVE)1-4Turn ¼ right and step right to side, hold, step left to side, holdHIP BUMPS RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT (DEFAULT MOVE)5-8Bump hips right, bump left, bump right, bump (left)REPEAT
Fun variations for the last 8 counts
1st Time: Default move
2nd: Do default move while yelling "you're not ready for this yet boy!" so the people in the next room can hear you! (it's in the lyrics!)
3rd: Do counts 1-4 then shimmy "shaking head to the feet"
4th: Default move
5th: They sing "Murderer, blood upon your shoulders". But that's not very nice. So do the default move and yell "whoa" when they do on count 8 and drag it through the next 4 counts
6th: Take 4 steps on counts 1, 3, 5, 7 and make the best muscle poses you can while they're singing "walk like a champion, talk like a champion"
7th: Default move
8th: Default move
9th: Make the turn and bend your arms up and do an upper body "shake" (shaking quickly)
10th: Do the same as above, but the music slows down so you'll do an increasingly slower shake
11th: Default move
12th: Default move and sing the song out "whoa, oh, a ghost someday!"
Written for my two beautiful grandsons, because it's one of Asher's favorite songs to sing, and it's named after his new baby brother, Ryder!