Sho Botham (UK)
Runaway - Gary Allan
GROOVY HITCHES AND HIPS1-2-3Hitch left knee across front, place left to left with hip action left, right4-5-6Hitch right knee across front, place right to right with hip action right, left7-8Hitch left knee across front, place left to left with hip action leftSIDE STEP, SAILOR SHUFFLE, STEP CROSSING FRONT9Step right to right10&11Sailor shuffle left-right-left (step left crossed behind right, step right to right, step left in place)12Step right crossed front of left13Step left to left14&15Sailor shuffle right-left-right starting ¼ turn right16Step forward left facing wall to right of starting wallSLOW MOTION RUNS, STEP PIVOT TURN, WALKS FORWARD17-202 slow motion runs forward right, left with running arm actions21-22Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left23-242 walks forward right, leftSTEP, KICK BALL CHANGE, STEP CROSSED FRONT, UNWIND, KICK BALL CHANGE, SIDE STEP25Step right26&27Kick left forward, ball change left, right28Step left crossed front of right29Unwind ½ turn right30&31Kick right forward, ball change right, left32Place right to right (feet apart)REPEAT