Rumors (aka Lies)
Kayla Cosgrove (USA)
Rumors - Lindsay Lohan
WALK, WALK, RIGHT COASTER, LEFT SAILOR, RIGHT SAILOR1-2Walk back, right, then left3&4Step right foot back, step left together, step right foot forward5&6Step left foot back slightly behind right foot, step right foot to right side, step left slightly to left side7&8Step right foot back slightly behind left foot, step left foot to left side, step right slightly to right sideSTEP ¼ TURN, CROSS BACK SIDE, WALK, WALK ROCK, AND SLIDE BACK1-2Step left foot forward, make a ¼ turn to the right with weight ending on right foot3&4Cross left foot over right, step right foot back, step left foot to left side with weight5-6Walk forward, right, then left7&8Rock right foot forward, replace weight on to the left, slide back with right foot while dragging left foot backSTEP LEFT, STEP RIGHT, SWAY HIPS LEFT AND RIGHT, KICK, HITCH ½ TURN, LEFT SAILOR1-2Step left foot down and slightly out to left side, step right foot out to right side slightly3-4Sway hips to the left, then to the right (weight ends up on right foot)5-6Kick left foot forward, then hitch left knee up, while making a half turn over the left shoulder7&8Step left foot back slightly behind right foot, step right foot to right side, step left slightly to left sideRIGHT SHUFFLE STEP, SLIDE STEP, ROCK, REPLACE, TRIPLE TURN1&2Step right foot forward, bring left next to right, step right forward3-4Slide left foot out to left side, and step right next to left with weight5-6Rock left foot forward, replace weight onto the right foot7&8Do a full triple turn over the left shoulder, stepping left, right, left (you should be traveling slightly backwards) Instead of a full triple turn, you can simply shuffle or lock step backwards stepping left, right, leftREPEAT