Rumors Again!
Sobrielo Philip Gene (SG)
Rumors - Lindsay Lohan
WEAVE, SIDE ROCK CROSS, WEAVE MAMBO ¼ TURN1&2&Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right3&4Rock right to right, recover weight onto left, cross right over left Optional hand/head: on count 4 throw both hands to right as if throwing something to the right, head look to the right5&6&Step left to left, step right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left7&8Rock left to left, making ¼ turn left recover weight onto right, step left beside rightHEEL TOUCH, POINT STEP, ROCK RECOVER STEP, KICK HOOK ¼ TURN, HEEL, POINTED STEP1&2&Right heel forward, touch right beside left, point right to right, step right beside left3&4Rock left to left, recover weight onto right, step left beside right5&6Kick right to right diagonally, hook right beside left knee doing a figure 4, twist left making¼ turn left Optional hands5&6Punch right hand to right shoulder level, with right elbow bent do a circular move to the left, slap right hand onto right butt cheek&7&8Step right back, bring left heel forward, step left down, right toes towards each other heels apartMOVING APPLEJACK TO RIGHT, SLIDE TOUCH, HEEL TOE, HEEL TOE ¼ TURN1&2Bring toes out while bring both heels in towards each other, bring toes in towards each other and heels would be a part, bring toes out while bring both heels in towards each other (weight on right)3-4Big slide left to left, touch right beside left&5&6Step right back, step left heel forward, step left beside right, touch right beside left&7&8Making ¼ left step right back, step left heel forward, step left beside right, touch right beside leftJUMP BACK, PUNCH, BODY ROLL, FEET APART, FEET TOGETHER, CROSS UNWIND&1Step right back, step left to left (feet apart)2Punch right to right shoulder level3Touch right beside left (bring right hand towards body putting hands on chest as if holding a zipper on a jacket)&4Two-count body roll (hands moving down as if unzipping a jacket)&5Step right to right, step left to left&6Step right home, step left beside right7&8Cross left over right, unwind full turn leftREPEAT