Rumba Coast (P)
Steve Mason (UK)
Don't Worry Baby - The Beach Boys & Lorrie Morgan
Position: Open double hand facing each other. Lady's & man's steps are virtually mirror imageMAN: FORWARD RUMBA BOX, SIDE CLOSE ¼ TURN LEFT, ¾ LEFT, BEHIND SIDE ¼ TURN RIGHT1-4Step left foot to left, close right to left, step forward on left, hold5-8Step right foot to right, close left foot to right, step back on right foot, hold9-12Step left foot to left, close right to left, dropping left hand step left foot ¼ turn left, hold13-16Dropping right hand step forward on right foot, pivot ½ turn left, step right foot ¼ turn left (to complete ¾ turn left), hold17-20(Double hand hold) step left behind right, dropping right hand step right foot ¼ turn right(reverse LOD), step forward on left, holdLADY: REVERSE RUMBA BOX, SIDE, CLOSE ¼ TURN RIGHT, ¾ RIGHT, BEHIND, SIDE, ¼ TURN LEFT1-4Step right foot to right, close left to right, step back on right, hold5-8Step left foot to left, close right to left, step forward on right, hold9-12Step right foot to right, close left to right, drop right hand and step right foot ¼ turn right, hold13-16Dropping left hand step forward on left foot, pivot ½ turn, step left foot ¼ turn to the right, hold17-20(Double hand hold) step right foot behind left, drop left hand step left foot ¼ turn left, step forward on right, holdMAN: FORWARD COASTER, WALK BACK, BACK COASTER, STEP KICK, STEP TAP STEP ½ TURN, STEP KICK, STEP TAP21-24Step forward on right foot, step left foot next to right foot, step back on right foot, hold25-28Walk back on left, right, left, hold29-32Step back on right foot, step left foot next to right, step forward on right foot, hold33-36Step forward on left foot, kick right foot forward, step down on right foot, tap left foot next to right37-40Drop left hand and make a ½ turn left (to face LOD) on ball of right foot & hold right hand, step forward on left foot, kick right foot, step forward on right foot, tap left foot next to rightLADY: FORWARD COASTER, WALK BACK OR FULL TURN, BACK COASTER, STEP KICK, STEP TAP, STEP ½ TURN, STEP KICK, STEP TAP21-24Step forward on left foot, step right foot next to left, step back on left foot, hold25-28Walk back on right left right, or do a full turn right, hold29-32Step back on left foot, step right foot next to left, step forward on left foot, hold33-36Step forward on right foot, kick left foot forward, step onto left foot, tap right foot next to left foot37-40Drop right hand & make a ½ turn right on ball of left foot, hold with left hand step on right foot, kick left foot, step forward on left foot, tap right foot next to left footMAN: SIDE, TOGETHER, SIDE, TOUCH, FULL TURN TO THE RIGHT, SIDE, TOGETHER, SIDE, TOUCH41-44Step left foot to left, close left foot to right, step left foot to left, touch right toes to left foot45-48Drop right hand & make a full turn full turn right stepping right, left, right, holding with left hand touch left next to right foot (man passes in front of lady)49-52Drop left hand & pass in front of lady stepping left foot to left, close right foot to left, step left foot to left, holding with right hand touch right foot next to left footLADY: SIDE, TOGETHER, SIDE, TOUCH, FULL TURN COUNTER TO THE RIGHT, SIDE TOGETHER, SIDE, TOUCH41-44Step right foot to right, close left foot to right, step right foot to right, touch left foot next to right foot45-48Drop left hand and pass behind man making a full turn left stepping left, right, left, holding with right hand, touch right foot next to left foot49-52Drop right hand and pass behind man stepping right foot to right, close left foot to right, step right foot to right, touch left foot to right foot while holding with left handMEN: STEP TOUCH, STEP SCUFF, JAZZ BOX ¼ TURN RIGHT, LEFT VINE, STEP53-56Step right foot diagonally forward, touch left foot to right foot, step left foot diagonally forward, scuff right foot forward57-60Cross right foot over left foot, step back on left foot, make a ¼ turn right stepping onto right foot, resume double hand hold, touch left foot next to right foot61-64Step left foot to left, step right foot behind left foot, step left foot to left, step right foot with weight next to left footLADY: STEP TOUCH, STEP SCUFF, JAZZ BOX, ¼ TURN LEFT, RIGHT VINE, OR FULL TURN, STEP53-56Step left foot diagonally forward, touch right foot next to left, step right foot diagonally forward, scuff left foot through57-60Cross left foot over right foot, step back on right foot, make ¼ turn left stepping on to left foot, resume double hand hold, touch right foot next to left foot61-64Step right foot to right, step left foot behind right foot, step right foot to right, step left foot with weight next to right foot Alternatively you can do a full turn, turning to the right, dropping the left handREPEAT