Rudolph The Reindeer's Hangover
Cato Larsen (NOR)
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer - Alan Jackson
KICK, KICK, STOMP, STOMP, KICK, KICK, STOMP, STOMP1-4Kick right foot forward twice, stomp right beside left, stomp left beside right with no weight5-8Kick left foot forward twice, stomp left beside right, stomp right beside left with no weightHEEL, CLAP, TOE, CLAP, HEEL SWITCHES, CLAP1-4Touch right heel forward, clap hands, touch right toe back, clap hands5&6Touch right heel forward, step right next to left, touch left heel forward&7-8Step left next to right, touch right heel forward, clap handsTOGETHER, HEEL, CLAP, TOE, CLAP, HEEL SWITCHES, CLAP&1-2Step right next to left, touch left heel forward, clap hands3-4Touch left toe back, clap hands5&Touch left heel forward, step left next to right6&Touch right heel forward, step right next to left7-8Touch left heel forward, clap handsCHARLESTON STEP TWICE1-4Step forward on left, kick right foot forward, step back on right, touch left toe back5-8Step forward on left, kick right foot forward, step back on right, touch left toe backVINE LEFT WITH FINGER CLICKS1-2Step left to left side, click fingers with in shoulder height3-4Cross right behind left, click fingers low (arms hanging straight down)5-6Step left to left side, click fingers with in shoulder height7-8Touch right beside left, click fingers low (arms hanging straight down)TOE TOUCHES, CROSS, UNWIND1&2Touch right toe to right side, touch right to next to left, touch right toe to right side3-4Touch right toe in cross and front of left, unwind ½ turn left (weight ends on right)5&6Shuffle forward left, right, left7&8Shuffle forward right, left, rightSAILOR SHUFFLE LEFT, SAILOR SHUFFLE RIGHT, TOGETHER, MODIFIED MONTEREY TURN1&2Sailor shuffle left3&4Sailor shuffle right&5Step left next to right, touch right toe to right side6Pivot ½ turn right and step right next to left as you finish the turn7-8Touch left toe to left side, touch left toe next to rightSYNCOPATED VINE LEFT1-2&Step left to left side, cross right behind left, step left to left side3&4Cross right in front of left, step left to left side, touch right heel forward&5Step right next to left, point left toe back6On ball of right with left toe where it's at unwind ½ turn left&7-8Step left next to right, step right forward, pivot ½ turn left on ball of both feetREPEATTAG To be danced once after the third wall! HEEL, CLAP, TOE, CLAP, HEEL SWITCHES, CLAP1-4Touch right heel forward, clap hands, touch right toe back, clap hands5&6Touch right heel forward, step right next to left, touch left heel forward&7-8Step left next to right, touch right heel forward, clap handsTOGETHER, HEEL, CLAP, TOE, CLAP, HEEL SWITCHES, CLAP&1-2Step right next to left, touch left heel forward, clap hands3-4Touch left toe back, clap hands5&Touch left heel forward, step left next to right6&Touch right heel forward, step right next to left7-8Touch left heel forward, clap handsTOGETHER, BACK, HOLD, BACK, CROSS & CLICK&1-2Step left next to right, step back on right, hold3-4Step back on left, touch right toe in cross and front of left and click fingers high