Mark Cosenza (USA)
I Want You - Jim Verraros
Special Thanks to Eve Yeaton & Glen Pospieszny for their additional styling tipsWALK, WALK, PIVOT SAILOR, CROSS POINT, ¼ PIVOT BACK, STEP BACK & TOUCH1-2Walk forward right, walk forward left3&4Pivoting ¼ right, cross right behind left, step forward left, step right next to left5-6Cross point left over right and swing back arms pointing left, step back left pivoting ¼ right7-8Step back right, touch down left toe in front of rightWALK, WALK, TOUCH HITCH BACK, HEEL FORWARD, LARGE STEP, ¼ SWEEP AND TOUCH1-2Walk forward left, walk forward right3&4Touch forward left, hitch, step left next to right Additional styling: look up and extend out forearms with hands palms up (3), bring arms down to sides (4)5&Touch forward right heel, step right next to left6Take a large step forward left7-8Sweep right around ¼ left next to left (weight remains on left)WALK BACK, WALK BACK, STEP, SIDE KICK & STEP, OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD, KICK & STEP1-2Walk back right, walk back left Styling tip: add some style to the walk backs by doing a "mash potato" step or something else funky to add some extra spice&3&4Step forward right, kick left side left (slightly behind right still), step down left, step slightly forward right5-6&Take a large step forward left, step right in back of left, step forward left7&8Kick out right side right (keep this kick small), step down right next to left, step forward leftCROSS ROCK STEP, STEP DOWN ½ SWEEP, SIDE ROCK AND FORWARD, ROCK FORWARD AND WALK1-2&Cross rock step right over left, recover left, step down on right3-4Sweep left around pivoting ½ left, step down on left5&6Side rock right, step down on left, step right forward7&8Rock forward on left, recover right, walk forward leftREPEATENDING On the final notes of the song (dance counts 31-32), step down on left (31), point your right foot forward and turn your head to the left (looking towards the front wall) (32)