Rock Me, Daddy
Kathy King (USA)
Beat Me Daddy, Eight to the Bar - The Dean Brothers
TWO DWIGHT YOAKAMS TO RIGHT; KICK RIGHT FRONT, THEN RIGHT; RIGHT SAILOR STEP1-2-3-4Traveling to the right, with left toe turned in, touch right heel out to front (1); with left heel turned in, touch right toe to place (2); repeat.5-6-7&8Kick right forward, then to right side; step right behind left, left to place, right slightly above and to right of place (sailor step)TWO DWIGHT YOAKAMS TO LEFT; KICK LEFT FRONT, THEN LEFT; LEFT SAILOR STEP1-2-3-4Traveling to the left, with right toe turned in, touch left heel out to front (1); with right heel turned in, touch left toe to place (2); repeat.5-6-7&8Kick left forward, then to left side; step left behind right, right to place, left slightly above and to left of place (sailor step)RIGHT CROSS OVER LEFT WITH BODY TWISTS, STEP LEFT TO LEFT; REPEAT; STEP FORWARD RIGHT, LEFT; STEP RIGHT TO PLACE; STEP FORWARD LEFT, PIVOT ¼ TO RIGHT1-2-3-4Step right across left, twisting body to left; as you, step left to left, twist body to right; repeat5-6&7-8Step right slightly forward shoulder-width, step left forward shoulder-width; step right to place (&); step left forward and pivot ¼ to right (weight on right)FOUR SWIVEL FORWARD STEPS (LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT); LEFT JAZZ WITH HOLD/CLAP1-2-3-4(Stepping left-right-left-right), walking forward on balls of feet, start with left toe out and swivel it inward (1), continue right-left-right5-6-7-8Step left across right, step back right, step left to left, hold on 8RIGHT TOE DIG, RECOVER RIGHT; LEFT TOE DIG, RECOVER LEFT (WITH FINGER SNAPS); LINDY TO RIGHT1-2-3-4Dig right toe to instep of left foot, drop right heel to place (snap fingers); dig left toe to instep of right foot, drop left heel to place (snap fingers)5&6-7-8Right side shuffle (right-left-right), rock back on left, recover right.BRING LEFT FOOT TO PLACE AS YOU DO HAND SLAPS ON THIGHS 4 TIMES, CLAP TWICE; REPEAT1&2&-3-4On (1) bring left foot to place as you - slap right hand on right side of thigh, left hand on left side of thigh, slap right again, slap left again; clap twice5&6&-7-8Slap right hand on right side of thigh, left hand on left side of thigh, slap right again, slap left again; clap twiceREPEATTAG After the 3rd wall, the intro played at the beginning is played again here - just stop dancing for it - you can hear it Then the 4th wall, just do the first 32 steps - start over when "in the mood" starts playing, continue the song out as written with 48 beats.