Road Runner
Yvonne Holland & Dyka Holland (UK)
Running Out Of Road - Sean Kenny
STOMPS FORWARD WITH HOLDS1-4Stomp forward right, hold, stomp forward left, hold5-8Stomp forward - right-left-right, holdWEAVE LEFT WITH HOLDS9-10Step left to left side, hold11-12Cross right behind left, hold13-14Step left to left side, cross right over left15-16Step left to left side, holdLEFT TOE TOUCHES WITH HOLDS17-18Touch right toe diagonally forward across left, hold19-20Touch right toe diagonally back right, hold21Touch right toe diagonally forward across left22Touch right toe diagonally back right23-24Touch right toe diagonally forward across left, holdRIGHT WEAVE WITH HOLDS25-26Step right to right side, hold27-28Cross left behind right, hold29-30Step right to right side, cross left over right31-32Step right to right side, holdLEFT TOE TOUCHES WITH HOLDS33-34Touch left toe diagonally forward across right, hold35-36Touch left toe diagonally back left, hold37Touch left toe diagonally forward across right38Touch left toe diagonally back left39-40Touch left toe diagonally forward across right, holdLOCK, UNWIND ½ TURN RIGHT, HEEL SWITCHES WITH ¼ TURN41-42Lock left foot over right, hold43-44Unwind ½ turn right, hold (weight ends on left) While dancing heel switches in steps 45-48 make a ¼ turn right45&Touch right heel forward, step right to place46&Touch left heel forward, step left to place47-48Touch right heel forward, holdREPEAT