The Right To Remain Silent (P)
Barbara Prosen (USA) & Dave Monroe (USA)
The Right to Remain Silent - Doug Stone
Position: Couples start facing LOD with lady on inside, man on outside with left hands in front of lady and right hands behind man's back. Same footwork for bothSHUFFLES FORWARD, ROCK ½ TURN, SHUFFLE1&2MAN: Right shuffle forward LADY: Right shuffle forward (starting a right turn diagonally across in front of man)3&4MAN: Left shuffle forward LADY: Left shuffle completing a full right turn Couples will now be in sweetheart/cape position5&6Rock right foot forward, recover onto left foot (preparing to turn right) Option: raise right hands over lady's head, bring down in front of lady, and up again7&8Right shuffle with ½ right turn (now facing RLOD)HEEL SWITCHES, ¼ TURN,STOMPS9&10&Left heel tap forward, step left in place, right heel tap forward, step right in place while turning ¼ left on ball of right foot11-12Stomp left, right in place (facing ILOD)13&14&Repeat steps 9&10&15-16Repeat steps 11-12 (facing LOD)SHUFFLES FORWARD, TOE STRUTS17&18Left shuffle forward starting full turn to left with windmill arms19&20Right shuffle forward finishing full turn to left (facing LOD) Easier option 1: shuffle forward left, right without turning Easier option 2: lady turns full turn left while shuffling left, right21-24Left toe strut forward, right toe strut forwardROCK STEP, COASTER STEP, ½ TURN, STOMPS25-26Rock left forward, recover onto right foot27&28Left back coaster step29-30Step right forward, pivoting ½ left turn switching weight onto left foot31-32Stomp right, left (facing RLOD) 33-64Repeat steps 1-32 facing RLOD While all footwork remains the same, all turns will put you facing opposite of first set. (example: steps 15-16 puts you facing LOD in first set and RLOD in second repetition.)REPEAT