Relax Max
Ros Brander-Stephenson (UK)
Don't Be Stupid (Dance Mix) - Shania Twain
KICK, KICK, RIGHT SHUFFLE, KICK, KICK, LEFT SHUFFLE1-2-3&4Kick right foot forward diagonally right twice, forward shuffle right, left, right5-6-7&8Kick left foot forward diagonally left twice, forward shuffle left, right, leftROCK STEP, FULL TURN RIGHT, ½ SHUFFLE TURN RIGHT, ROCK STEP1-4Rock forward on right foot, recover onto left, make ½ turn right stepping forward on right, make ½ turn right stepping back on left5&6-8Make half shuffle turn right stepping right, left, right, rock forward on left foot, recover onto rightLEFT COASTER, STEP PIVOT ¼ LEFT, CROSS SHUFFLE, ½ TURN RIGHT, TOE TOUCH1&2-4Step back on left foot, step right beside left, step forward on left, step forward on right, pivot ¼ turn left (weight on left foot)5&6-8Cross right over left, step left to side, cross right over left, make ½ turn right stepping weight onto left foot, touch right toe to right sideSIDE TOE TOUCHES & CLICKS X 3, WHOOPSIE1-2Place weight down onto right, touch left toe diagonally to left side, body angled to left Arms out to side bent at elbows, click fingers3-4Place weight down onto left, touch right toe diagonally to right side, body angled right Arms out to side bent at elbows, click fingers5-6Repeat counts 1, 27Bring left foot beside right, knees bent, hands on knees, bum pushed out8Small jump back as you begin to straighten upFORWARD SHUFFLE, TOE POINT, HOLD, FORWARD SHUFFLE, TOE POINT, HOLD1&2-4Forward shuffle stepping right, left, right, point left toe to side, hold5&6-8Forward shuffle stepping left, right, left, point right toe to side, holdPADDLE TURN, BACK SCOOTS (ROGER RABBITS)1&2&3&4Hitch right knee making ¼ turn left, point right toe to right side, repeat 3 more times to complete a full turn5-6Scoot back on left right7&8Scoot back on left right leftBACK SCOOTS (ROGER RABBITS), PADDLE TURN1-2Scoot back on right left3&4Scoot back on right left right5&6&7&8Hitch left knee making ¼ turn right, point left toe to left side, repeat 3 more times to complete a full turnCROSS JACKS X 3, CROSS UNWIND ½ TURN LEFT&1&2Step back on right, cross left over right, step right to side, touch left heel forward&3&4Step back on left, cross right over left, step left to side, touch right heel forward&5&6Step back on right, cross left over right, step right to side, touch left heel forward&7-8Step back on left, cross right over front of left, unwind ½ turn leftSAILORS LEFT&RIGHT, ROCK STEP, ¾ SHUFFLE TURN LEFT1&2Step left behind right, step right to side, step left beside right3&4Step right behind left, step left to side, step right beside left5-7&8Rock forward on left, recover onto right, make ¾ turn left, stepping left, right, leftSYNCOPATED JAZZ BOXES RIGHT&LEFT, TURNING RIGHT1&2Cross right over in front of left, step back on left, step right to right side making 1/8 turn right3&4Cross left over in front of right, step back on right, step left to left side making 1/8 turn right5&6Repeat 1&27&8Repeat 3&4 (this completes a ½ turn right)REPEATTAG Danced at the end of walls 1, 3, 5 SIDE STEPS, JACK, STEP TOGETHER1Step right to side bending at knees into squat position and with hands clasped together in front push in a downward movement2Step left beside right pulling hands up to mid chest3Repeat 14Repeat 2&5-7Step back on right, touch left heel forward and raise both arms up & out, hold