Nina Dvergsnes, Lill Sørli & Rita Myrnes
Redneck Woman - Gretchen Wilson
1/8 PUSH TURN LEFT *4 (½ TURN)1Weight on left, push 1/8 to left with right foot while turning left foot at the same time2Weight on left, push 1/8 to left with right foot while turning left foot at the same time3Weight on left, push 1/8 to left with right foot while turning left foot at the same time4Weight on left, push 1/8 to left with right foot while turning left foot at the same timeTOE STRUTS FORWARD, SNAP FINGERS5Walk forward on right toes&Drop right heel and snap fingers once6Walk forward on left toes&Drop left heel and snap fingers once7Walk forward on right toes&Drop right heel and snap fingers once8Walk forward on left toes&Drop left heel and snap fingers once For styling bend your back a little forward when you do this sectionTOE STRUTS BACKWARDS1Walk backward on right toes&Drop right heel2Walk backward on left toes&Drop left heel3Walk backward on right toes & touch hat&Drop right heel & let go of hat4Walk backward on left toes&Drop left heelJUMP AND TURN5Jump feet apart6Jump feet together7Jump ½ turn right with both feet & land with feet apart8Jump feet togetherKICK BALL STEP1&2Kick right, step right next to left, step left a little in front of right&HoldWALK FORWARD3-6Walk forward on left, right, left, right½ TURN RIGHT & TOUCH LEFT FOOT LEFT *27Weight on right, ½ turn right and touch left to left8Weight on right, ½ turn right and touch left to left Weight are on right and left foot pointing leftWALK BACKWARD 4 STEPS1Step left toe behind right, left knee and toe pointing inward2Step down left3Step right toe behind left, right knee and toe pointing inward4Step down right5Step left toe behind right, left knee and toe pointing inward6Step down left7Step right toe behind left, right knee and toe pointing inward8Step down rightTOUCH LEFT HEEL IN FRONT, TOUCH LEFT TOE BACK, ¼ TURN LEFT ON BOTH FEET TWICE1Touch left heel in front2Touch left toe back3¼ turn left on both feet4Step right next to left5Touch left heel in front6Touch left toe back7¼ turn left on both feet8Step right next to leftJAZZ BOX STEP1Cross right in front of left2Step left back3Step right to right side4Step left next to rightSTEP RIGHT TO RIGHT, STEP LEFT NEXT TO RIGHT TWICE5Step right to right6Step left next to right7Step right to right8Step left next to rightSTOMP1-3Stomp right, left, right4HoldREPEAT