Red Dirt Road
Jan Brookfield (UK)
Red Dirt Road - Brooks & Dunn
SIDE ROCK, CHASSE RIGHT, BACK ROCK, STEP TOUCH1-2-3&4Step right to side, rock weight onto left, shuffle to side, right, left, right5-6-7-8Rock back on left, rock forward onto right, step left to side, touch right next to left2 X QUARTER MONTEREY TURNS9-10-11-12Point right to side, making a quarter turn right step on right in place, point left to side, step on left in place13-16Repeat steps for 9-12 (now facing 6:00)SIDE ROCK, CROSS SHUFFLE, SIDE ROCK, BEHIND-SIDE-CROSS17-18Step right to side, rock onto left19&20Step right across in front of left, step left to side, step right across in front of left21-22Step left to side, rock onto right23&24Step left behind right, step right to side, step left across in front of rightTOE STRUTS TWICE, KICK-BALL-CROSS, SIDE ROCK WITH QUARTER TURN25-26-27-28Step right to side, toes then heel; step left across right, toes then heel29&30Kick right diagonally to right, step back on right, step left across in front of right31-32Step right to side, rock weight onto left making a quarter turn left (now facing 3:00)SHUFFLE FORWARD, HALF PIVOT, SHUFFLE FORWARD, QUARTER PIVOT33&34Shuffle forward on right, left, right35-36Step left forward, pivot half turn to right, weight now on right37&38Shuffle forward on left, right, left39-40Step right forward, pivot quarter turn to left, weight now on left (now facing 6:00)CROSS, BACK, CHASSE RIGHT, CROSS, BACK, HALF TURN SHUFFLE41-42Step right across left, step back on left43&44Shuffle to right on right, left, right45-46Step left across right, step back on right47&48Making a half turn to left, shuffle forward on left, right, leftQUARTER TURN SHUFFLE, ROCK BACK, HALF PIVOT, SHUFFLE FORWARD49&50Making a quarter turn to left, shuffle to side on right, left, right51-52Rock back on left, step forward onto right53-54Step forward on left, pivot half turn to right (weight now on right)55&56Shuffle forward on left, right, leftCROSS ROCK, CHASSE RIGHT, CROSS ROCK, CHASSE LEFT57-58Step right across in front of left, rock weight onto left in place59&60Shuffle to right side on right, left, right61-62Step left across in front of right, rock weight onto right63&64Shuffle to left side on left, right, left (option: full turn shuffle over left shoulder) (now facing 3:00)REPEAT