Pucker Up
Rick Bates (USA) & Deborah Bates (USA)
Hole In My Heart - Jason Sellers
DIAGONAL SHUFFLE STEPS, DIAGONAL STEPS WITH HEEL SWIVELS Counts 1-8 are done almost in place1&2Shuffle slightly forward and diagonally to the right (right left, right)3&4Shuffle slightly forward and diagonally to the left (left, right left) Twist body in same direction as swivels for counts 5-85-6Swivel left heel outward to the left and step diagonally right on right foot, swivel right heel outward to the right and step diagonally left on left foot7-8Swivel left heel outward to the left and step diagonally right on right foot, swivel right heel outward to the right and step diagonally left on left footFORWARD SHUFFLES, STEP, HITCH, STEP BACK, PIVOT TURN9&10Shuffle forward (right, left, right)11&12Shuffle forward (left, right, left)13-14Step forward on right foot; hitch left knee up15-16Step back on ball of left foot; pivot ¼ turn to the left, transfer weight to left footFORWARD SHUFFLE, TO THE RIGHT MILITARY PIVOT, SHUFFLE TURN, ROCK STEP17&18Shuffle forward (right, left, right)19-20Step forward on left foot; pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of left and shift weight to right foot21&22Shuffle forward (left, right, left) making a ½ turn to the right on these steps23-24Step back on right foot; rock forward onto left footOUT-OUT, IN-IN, HIP ROLL, SYNCOPATED HIP ROLLS&25Step to the right on right foot; step to the left on left foot about shoulder width apart from right26Hold and clap hands&27Step to home on right foot; step left foot next to right28Hold and clap hands29-30Rotate hips in a circle to the left from left to right&31Rotate hips in a circle to the left from left to right&32Rotate hips in a circle to the left from left to rightREPEAT