Kate Sala (UK)
Looking for You - Kirk Franklin
STEP FORWARD, HEEL DIG, WEAVE RIGHT, DIAGONAL KICK, WEAVE ¼ TURN LEFT, PIVOT ½ TURN LEFT1-2Step forward on right, touch left heel forward to left diagonal3&4Weave right, stepping left behind right, step right to right side, cross step left over right5&6Kick right forward to right diagonal, cross step right behind left, turn ¼ left stepping forward on left7-8Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn leftFORWARD JUMP, KICK, JUMP BACK, HOLD, JUMP FORWARD FEET APART, STEP BACK, COASTER STEP&1-2Jump forward stepping feet shoulder width apart on right, left, kick right forward&3-4Jump back bringing feet together on right, left & pushing the hips back, straighten up As you jump back pushing the hips back you can push your hands forward, palms facing forward. As you straighten up just bring your hands on to your hips&5-6Jump forward on right, left, feet shoulder width apart, step back on right7&8Step back on left, step right next to left, step forward on leftPIVOT ½ TURN LEFT, TRIPLE FULL TURN LEFT, HEEL SWITCHES, BALL PIVOT WITH SLIDE, STEP FORWARD1-2Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left3&4Triple full turn left traveling forward on right, left, right5&6Dig left heel forward, step left next to right, dig right heel forward&7Step ball of right next to left, pivot on ball of right turning right knee out to the right and slide the left foot forward towards 9:008Step forward on right, (facing 9:00)FORWARD ROCK, RECOVER, BACK STEP, HOLD, BALL STEP, WALK FORWARD, HEEL SWIVEL1-2-3-4Rock forward on left, recover back on to right, step big step back on left, hold&5-6Step ball of right next to left, step forward on left, step forward on right7&8Step left foot just in front of right, coming up on the balls of the feet swivel heels left, centerSHUFFLE ½ TURN LEFT, PIVOT ½ TURN LEFT, SHUFFLE FORWARD, JUMP ACROSS, RECOVER WITH LEFT RONDE1&2Shuffle ½ turn left on left, right, left3-4Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left5&6Shuffle forward on right, left, right7Small jump on to left across right lifting right foot up behind left leg8Step down on right and ronde or sweep left round to the left from front to backSAILOR STEP, SYNCOPATED CHASSE LEFT, BACK ROCK, FULL TURN RIGHT, SIDE TOUCH1&2Cross step left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side&3&4Step right next to left, step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side5-6Rock back on right, recover on to left7-8Turn ¼ right stepping forward on right, turn ½ right stepping back on left Restart here on wall 21-2Turn ¼ right stepping right to right side, touch left toe out to left sideKICK BALL CROSS, SIDE STEP, TOUCH BEHIND, HIP SWAYS3&4Kick left to left diagonal, step down on ball of left, cross step right over left5-6Step left to left side, touch right toe behind left7-8Step right to right side swaying hips right, sway hips leftKICK BALL CROSS, SIDE STEP, TOUCH BEHIND, WALK AROUND ½ TURN ON RIGHT, LEFT, SHUFFLE1&2Kick right to right diagonal, step down on ball of right, cross step left over right3-4Step right to right side, touch left toe behind right5-6Walk around following an upside down horse shoe shape to the left on left, right7&8Complete the horse shoe shape with a shuffle forward on left, right, left Counts 5-6-7&8 complete a ½ turn leftREPEATRESTART Restart on wall 2 during section 6, you will start the full turn right but only do the first 2 steps of the turn that is count 7-8. Then turn to the front wall by making a ¼ turn right to start again by stepping forward on right