Patrizio's Rumba
Max Perry (USA)
A Man Without Love - Patrizio Buanne
WALK, WALK, ½ PIVOT TURN LEFT, HOOK, TRAVELING PIVOT, SIDE, FORWARD & ACROSS1-4(QQS) Step forward right, left, step right forward & turn ½ left keeping weight on right, hook left in front of right (now facing 6:00)5-8(QQQQ) Step left forward & turn ½ left, step right back & turn ¼ left, step left to left side, step right forward & across (now facing about 7:00)TURN TO 6:00 & STEP FORWARD, HOLD, ½ PIVOT TURN, HOLD, STEP FORWARD, HOLD1-2(S) Step left forward, hold3-4(S) Step right forward & turn ½ left, hold5-6(S) Shift weight onto left foot, hold7-8(S) Step right forward, holdWEAVE LEFT, RONDE' (SWEEP), WEAVE RIGHT, TO ¼ TURN RIGHT (POR TI SERE)1-4(QQQQ) Step left to left side, cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right behind left5-8(QQQQ) Circle left leg from front to back, cross left behind right, turn ¼ right & step right forward, step left forward (3:00)STEP FORWARD, CROSS LEFT OVER RIGHT, UNWIND 1 FULL TURN RIGHT1-4(SS) Step right forward, hold, cross left over right, hold5-8(SS) Unwind 1 full turn right over counts 5-8 (face 3:00)SIDE ROCK CROSS, HOLD, SIDE ROCK CROSS, HOLD1-4(QQS) Rock left to left side, step right in place (recover), cross step left over right, hold5-8(QQS) Rock right to right side, step left in place (recover), cross step right over left, hold Suggested arms: circle left arm under and over, then circle right arm under and overTURN ½ RIGHT AS YOU STEP LEFT BACK, STEP RIGHT SIDE, STEP LEFT FORWARD, ½ SLOW PIVOT TURN1-4(QQS) Turn ½ right as you step left back, step right side, step left forward, hold5-8(SS) Step right forward & turn ½ left, hold, step left in place, holdFORWARD ROCK, BACK, LOCK, ½ TURN RONDE JAMBE, STEP FORWARD, REPEAT1-4(QQQQ) Rock right forward, step left in place (recover), step right back, step left back and in front of right5-8(SS) Step right back, circle left leg from front to back as you turn ½ left counts 6-7, step left forward on count 8 You have now completed 56 counts1-8Repeat the above 8 countsREPEATNOTE The 2nd time through the dance on counts 25-32, you will have to rush the timing of the cross unwind. This is where the singer slows down and you won't have the full counts to turnRESTART 3rd time through the dance there is a re-start after count 44 (side rock cross, side rock cross, back side turning ½ right, step left forward). This should put you on the 3:00 wallTAG 4th time through the dance, you will dance through count 56 (1 set of the ronde jambe). Then add a slow ½ pivot turn1-4Step right forward, hold, turn ½ left and step on left foot, hold Restart when the beat kicks inENDING The last time through the dance you will be facing 12:00. You will have to take a little extra time, or hold when you unwind on the cross unwind turn (counts 29-32) as the singer slows down again. Start the side rocks when the beat kicks in again. Bring both arms up and out on the drum roll ending I think this may also work with the original version by Engelbert Humperdinck version of the song