Passing Through
Wayne Beazley (AUS), Samantha Bowden, Alison Flynn, Fulvio Durazza (AUS) & Todd Fisher
Pass Me By (If You're Only Passing Through) - Paul Brandt
All hat work is not part of dance. It is in the dance for presentation.1&2Right sailor shuffle: stepping right behind left, left to left side, right to right side3&4Left sailor shuffle: stepping left behind right, right to right side, left to left side5-6Step right behind left and unwind full turn right (pivoting on left)7&8Shuffle to left (left-right-left) 1-2Rock back on right, rock forward on left&3&4(Traveling forward) step forward on right toe, swivel right heel in & left heel in at same time, swivel heels out. Repeat these steps stepping forward onto left5-8Step forward onto right heel 45 degrees right, step forward onto left heel 45 degrees left, step right back to center, touch left together 1&2Left heel ball change: touch left heel forward, step left together, step right together.3-4Scuff left forward, turn ¼ turn left stepping forward onto left&5&6Jump back onto right, touch left heel forward, jump to center left, right (keeping weight on right leg)7-8Step left back at 45 degrees left, step right over left &1-2Jump onto left, step right to right side, step left over right3-6Kick right to right side (as you kick right, click fingers in air & look to right side), step forward onto right leg, step left forward, pivot ½ turn right7-8Traveling forward turning full turn right, i.e., Turn ½ turn right stepping back left, turn ½ turn right stepping forward right. 1-4Repeat last two counts, step forward left, step forward right.5-6-7&8Step forward on left, rock back on right, turning ¼ turn left shuffle to side left-right-left 1&2Turning ½ turn left, shuffle to side right-left-right3&4Turning ¾ turn left, shuffle forward left-right-left&5&6Moving forward: step right to right side, left to left side, step right to center, step left to center7-8Jump onto left to left side kicking right to right side, step right behind left. 1-2Jump onto left to left side kicking right to right side, step right across left3-4&5Unwind ½ turn left, touch left heel forward, step left together, step right forward,6Stomp left together&7-8Moving forward: rock right to side, step left forward, step right forward &1-2Repeat last two counts on left3-5Touch right heel forward, right toe back, unwind ½ turn right on left leg&6&7-8Jump back on right touch left heel forward, jump left onto left to center, step forward right, forward leftREPEAT