Over & Over Again
Over and Over (feat. Tim McGraw) - Nelly
WALK, WALK, LOCK STEP BACK, ½ SHUFFLE TURN LEFT, MAMBO STEP1-2Walk forward right, left3&4Step back on right, cross left across right, step back on right5&6Left shuffle back turning ½ turn left, stepping left-right-left7&8Rock forward on right, recover on left, step right next to leftBACK CROSS TAP X 4 (MOVING BACK), SIDE, CROSS OVER, SIDE, SAILOR STEP HEEL&1Step back on left, tap right toe across left&2Step back on right, tap left toe across right&3Step back on left, tap right toe across left&4Step back on right, tap left toe across right&5-6Step left to left, step right across left, left to left side7&8Step right behind left, step left together, tap right heel diagonally forwardCROSS, ¼ LEFT, SIDE SHUFFLE, KICK BALL STEP, ¼ HEEL BOUNCES&1-2Step right beside left, cross left over right, make ¼ turn to left and step back on right3&4Make ¼ to left stepping left to left, step right beside left, step left to left side5&6Kick right foot forward, step right beside left, step left forward7&8Bounce heel three times making ¼ turn right (weight end on left)KICK CROSS POINT, KICK CROSS POINT, HEEL JACKS TWICE1&2Kick right foot forward, step right across left, point left toe to left side3&4Kick left foot forward, step left across right, point right toe to right side&5&6Step right across left, step diagonally back left, touch right heel diagonally forward right, step right beside left&7&8&Step left across right, step diagonally back right, touch left heel diagonally forward left, step left beside rightREPEAT