Madge Andrews (USA), Brenda Bilger (USA), Bette Grull (USA), Linda Goyette (USA) & Todd Lescarbeau (USA)
1-800-Country - Jamie Lee Thurston
STEP-SLIDES, STEP-BRUSHES ON DIAGONALS1Step forward 45 degrees to left with left foot2Slide right foot up to left3Step forward 45 degrees to left with left foot4Brush or scuff right foot5Step forward 45 degrees to right with right foot6Slide left foot up to right7Step forward 45 degrees to right with right foot8Brush or scuff left footHITCH-SCOOT, STEP, BRUSH, ¼ TURNS WITH HEEL GRINDS9-10While hitching left knee, scoot forward on right foot twice (Optional: Pretend you are holding a guitar)11Step forward on left foot12Brush or scuff right foot forward13Turn ¼ to left crossing right foot over left (toe should point slightly to left)14Grind heel (turning toes to right) while stepping left foot to left15Turn ¼ to left crossing right foot over left (toe should point slightly to left)16Grind heel (turning toes to right) while stepping left foot to leftCROSS, SIDE TOUCH, ½ MONTEREY TURN RIGHT, HEEL FORWARD17Step right foot over left18Touch left toe out to side19Step left foot next to right20Touch right toe to side (start Monterey turn)21Turn ½ to right while stepping right foot next to left22Left touch to side23Step left foot next to right24Tap right heel forwardTOE-HEEL-TOE HOPS, CLAP, HEEL-TOE-HEEL HOPS CLAP&25Quickly step right foot to home position while touching left toe back&26Quickly step left foot to home and tap right heel forward&27Quickly step right foot to home position while touching left toe back28Clap hands&29Quickly step left foot to home and tap right heel forward&30Quickly step right foot to home position while touching left toe back&31Quickly step left foot to home and tap right heel forward32Clap handsTOE TAPS, ½ PIVOT TURN RIGHT, ¼ TURN RIGHT WITH SWIVELS33-34Drop right toe down in tapping motion two times (take weight with 2nd tap)35Step forward on left foot36Pivot ½ turn to right (transfer weight to right foot)37-40Turn ¼ to right as you swivel heels, toes, heels, toes to leftSTOMP, CLAP, STOMP TWICE, CLAP, JUMP-KICK, STEP, BRUSH, STOMP41Stomp right foot slightly forward42Clap hands&43Quickly stomp right foot slightly forward twice44Clap hands45Jump back on right foot while kicking left foot forward46Step left foot in place47Brush right foot48Stomp right foot next to leftELVIS KNEES (LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT, HOLD, RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT, HOLD)49Turn left knee in50Straighten left leg and turn right knee in51Turn left knee in52Hold53Straighten left leg and turn right knee in54Straighten right leg and turn left knee in55Straighten left leg and turn right knee in56HoldCROSSING TOE-STRUT, ¼ LEFT WITH LEFT TOE-STRUT, JAZZ BOX, BRUSH57Step ball of right foot over left foot58Drop heel (snap of fingers optional)59Turn ¼ to left while stepping forward on ball of left foot60Drop heel (once again snap of fingers is optional)61Step right foot over left62Step left foot straight back63Right step to right64Brush left foot forwardREPEAT