On The Kitchen Tiles
Maureen Jones (UK) & Michelle Jones (UK)
All About You - McFly
BACK ROCK, SIDE SHUFFLE, CROSS ROCK, SHUFFLE ¼ TURN1-2Rock right behind left, recover forward onto left3&4Step right to right, step left beside right, step right to right5-6Rock left across right, recover onto right7&8Make ¼ turn left shuffling left, right, leftROCK, ¼ TURN, BEHIND, ¼ TURN, BEHIND, STEP, STEP, TOUCH9-10Rock right forward, recover onto left11-12Make ¼ turn right and step right to right, step left behind right13-14Make ¼ turn right and step right forward, step left behind right&15-16Step right small step forward, step left forward, touch right beside leftBACK, TOUCH, STEP, SCUFF, CROSS SHUFFLE, ½ TURN17-18Step right diagonally back right, touch left across right19-20Step left diagonally forward left, scuff right across left21&22Step right across left, step left beside right, step right across left23-24Make ¼ turn right and step left back, make ¼ turn right and step right to rightJAZZ BOX, WALKS, HEEL, CROSS, UNWIND ½ TURN25-26Step left across right, step right back27-28Step left to left, step right forward29-30&Step left forward, touch right heel forward, step right beside left31-32Touch left across right, unwind ½ turn right (weight on left) Easier option: counts 29-30 walk forward stepping left, rightREPEATRESTART When dancing to "All About You", during the eighth wall, dance up to count 8 then pause as music pauses (facing 6:00). Restart dance from the beginning as beat resumes. The dance finishes on count 32 facing the front To match the slower pace of the music as the dance concludes we suggest dancing the easier option for counts 29-30 on the final wall