Oklahoma Turnaround
Hillbilly Rock - Marty Stuart
GRAPEVINE LEFT, GRAPEVINE RIGHT1-4Step left to side, cross right behind, step left to side, stomp right (clap)5-8Step right side, cross left behind, step right to side, touch left heel forwardHEEL AND TOE TAPS, SHUFFLE FORWARD9-10Tap right heel forward, tap right heel forward11-12Tap right toe back, tap right toe back13-14Tap right heel forward, tap right toe back15&16Shuffle forward (right, left, right)17&18Shuffle forward (left, right, left)BOX WITH ¼ TURN, BOX19-22Step right over left foot, step left back, step right to side, step left forward turning ¼ to the right23-26Step right crossing over left foot, step left back, step right to side, stomp left (clap)REPEAT