Nothin' Makes Sense
Barb Addeo (USA)
Nothin' 'Bout Love Makes Sense - LeAnn Rimes
SIDE HOPS TO RIGHT AND LEFT, 4 WALKS BACK&1-2Small right hop to right side, touch left next to right, clap&3-4Small left hop to left side, touch right next to left, clap5-8Walk back stepping right, left, right, left4 HEEL BOUNCES9-12Keeping right toe on floor, bounce right heel 4 timesKICK, BEHIND, SIDE, CROSS (TWICE)13-16Kick right to right diagonal, step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left17-20Kick left to left diagonal, step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over rightSIDE HOPS TO RIGHT AND LEFT, 4 WALKS FORWARD&21-22Small right hop to right side, touch left next to right, clap&23-24Small left hop to left side, touch right next to left, clap25-28Walk forward right, left, right, leftTWO ¼ PIVOT TURNS TO LEFT29-32Step right forward, pivot ¼ to left, step right forward, pivot ¼ to left 33-64Repeat first 32 counts You will now be facing the front wallDIAGONAL STEP TOUCHES, COASTER, STEP, HOLD65-66Step right forward to right diagonal, touch left next to right67-68Step left back on left diagonal, touch right next to left69&70Step right back, step left next to right, step right forward (coaster step)71-72Step left next to right, holdCHASSE, ROCK, RECOVER, CHASSE, ROCK, RECOVER73&74Triple step right, left, right, to right side75-76Rock back on left, recover on right77&78Triple step left, right, left, to left side79-80Rock back on right, recover on leftREPEATTAG There is a pause in the music (2nd and 3rd time through the dance) as you are finishing the ¼ turn pivots. Just hold for these two beats, and then continue the dance