New Wall = New Dance
Knox Rhine (USA)
Take That - Lisa Brokop
WALK, WALK, TAP, STEP BACK1Step forward with right foot2Step forward with left foot3Tap right toe behind left heel4Step back with right footCROSS-BACK, HOLD, CROSS-BACK, HOLD&Step left back across in front of right foot5Step back with right foot6Hold&Step left back across in front of right foot7Step back with right foot8HoldTOE, HEEL, CROSS, HOLD9Touch left toe into instep of right foot10Touch left heel into instep of right foot11Step across in front of right leg with left foot12HoldTOE, HEEL CROSS, PIVOT ¾13Touch right toe into instep of left foot14Touch right heel into instep of left foot15Step across in front of right leg with left foot16Pivot ¾ turn left, end with weight on left footSCHOTTISCHE
VINE RIGHT, BEHIND, RIGHT, HITCH17Step to right side with right foot18Step across behind right leg with left foot19Step to right side with right foot20Hitch/scoot forward on ball of right footVINE TURN, 2, 3, HITCH21Step ¼ turn left with left foot22Pivot ¼ turn left on ball of left foot, step to right side with right foot23Pivot ½ turn left on ball of right foot, step to left side with left foot24Hitch/scoot forward on ball of left footSTEP, HITCH, STEP, STOMP25Step forward with right foot26Hitch/scoot forward on ball of right foot27Step forward with left foot28Stomp (down) with right foot next to left foot¼ RIGHT TURNING APPLEJACKS
(turn slightly to the right with each move to end up turning ¼ turn right)29Fan right toe and left heel to right side&Fan right heel and left toe to right side30Fan right toe and left heel to right side&Fan right heel and left toe to right side31Fan right toe and left heel to right side&Fan right heel and left toe to right side32Fan right toe and left heel to right side&Fan right heel and left toe to right sideLINE DANCE
SAILOR HOOK33Step across behind left leg with right foot&Step to left side with left foot34Touch right heel forward-right35Hook right heel across in front of left leg36Touch right heel forward-rightDROP, LOCK, PIVOT, PIVOT37Drop right toe and transfer weight to right foot38Step/lock left foot up behind right foot39Pivot ½ turn left on balls of both feet40Pivot ½ turn right on balls of both feet (end weight on left foot)POINT, CROSS, POINT, CROSS41Point right toe to right side42Step across in front of left leg with right foot43Touch left toe to left side44Step across behind right leg with left footSHUFFLE, STEP, ¼ TURN45Step forward with right foot&Step together with left foot46Step forward with right foot47Step forward a ¼ turn right with left foot48Touch right toe next to left footCHA-CHA
SIDE, FORWARD, BACK, SIDE49Step to right side with right foot50Step forward with left foot51Rock back onto right foot52Step to left side with left foot& ¼ TURN, FORWARD, BACK, ¼ TURN&Step together with right foot next to left foot53Step ¼ turn left with left foot54Step forward with right foot55Rock back onto left foot56Step ¼ turn right with right foot& ¼ TURN, FORWARD, BACK, ¼ TURN&Step together with left foot next to right foot57Step ¼ turn right with right foot58Step forward with left foot59Rock back onto right foot60Step ¼ turn left with left foot& ¼ TURN, FORWARD, ½ PIVOT, ¼ PIVOT&Step together with right foot next to left foot61Step ¼ turn left with left foot62Step forward with right foot63Pivot ½ turn left on ball of both feet64Pivot ¼ turn right on balls of both feetREPEAT