My Kind Of Samba
Lance Pritchard (AUS)
My Kind of Life - Yothu Yindi
1-2Completing full turn to right, step right, left3&4Shuffle to right right-left-right5&6Stepping forward at 45 degrees right, step left-right-left7&8Stepping back at 45 degrees (to face original wall) step right-left-right 1-8Repeat last 8 moves to left side (all steps are now on opposite legs to those stated above) 1-2Touch right heel forward, touch right toe back3&4Completing ¼ turn to left, touch right heel forward twice then step forward on right5-6Touch left heel forward, touch left toe back7&8Completing ¼ turn to left, touch left heel forward twice then step forward on left 1-2Step forward on right (with heel turned in, toe out), step forward on left (with heel turned in, toe out)3&4Right kick ball change (completing ¼ turn left)5-6Step forward on right (with heel turned in, toe out), step forward on left (with heel turned in, toe out)7-8Place right heel forward, pivot ¼ turn left on left 1-2Touch right toe to right side, hold&3-4Step left next to right and touch right toe to right side, hold&5Step left next to right and touch right toe to right side&6Step right to center and touch left toe to left side&7-8Step left to center and touch right toe to right side, hold 1-8Repeat last 8 moves to left side (all steps are now on opposite legs to those above) You will have to add an & count before step 1 by stepping right to center 1-4Step left across in front of right, touch right toe to right side, step right across in front of left, touch left toe to left side5-8Repeat last 4 counts 1-2Touch left toe forward, pivot ½ turn to right on right3&4Shuffle forward left-right-left5&6Shuffle forward right-left-right7-8Turning ¼ turn to right, step forward on left, scuff rightREPEAT On wall 2 only repeat first 16 steps twice (do this only one time in dance).this dance has a samba feel and should be danced with a smooth sliding action