My Baby Thinks She's A Train
Ann Napier (NZ)
My Baby Thinks She's A Train - The Dean Brothers
STEP OUT, OUT, SLIDE & CLAP&1-2Step out, out, (right, left, on counts &1), slide right next to left ( taking weight) and clap (2)&3-4Step out, out, (left, right, on counts &3), slide left next to right (taking weight) and clap (4)TURNING JAZZ BOX5Cross right foot over left foot6Step back on left foot7Turn ¼ turn right on right foot8Step left foot next to right foot9-16Repeat dance from beginningMASHED POTATO STEP (TRAVELING BACK)&17Split heels apart (&) return heels sliding right heel behind left, and left heel to right instep (17)&18Split heels apart (&) return heels sliding left heel behind right, and right heel to left instep (18)&19Split heels apart (&) return heels sliding right heel behind left, and left heel to right instep (19)&20Split heels apart (&) close heels back together (20), (taking weight on left foot)TRAVELING FORWARD WITH STEP SLIDES21&Step forward on right foot, slide left foot up to right22&Step forward on right foot, slide left foot up to right23&Step forward on right foot, slide left foot up to right24Step forward on right footROLLING GRAPEVINE, 1 ¼ TURNS TO LEFT25Left step ¼ turn left, starting the turn26Step right foot over left foot, continuing the turn27Still continuing the turn, step left foot to left side to complete the turn28Step right foot next to left foot (taking weight)KICK BALL CHANGE, STEP, SCUFF, TOUCH29&Left foot kick forward, step down on left30&Right foot step in place, left foot step in place31Scuff right heel forward, (hitching right knee)32Touch right toes beside left footREPEAT